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Woody's Bar

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By GeorgiaP [Ignore] 19,Nov,23 21:59   Pageviews: 91

OK, I know, common theme, George sets me up to be humiliated and degraded. Most of the time I thoroughly enjoy myself. Occasionally I found myself in really sticky situations and less occasionally I would return from these events with a body that was very much hurt. The body is a marvelous thing, the body recovers from all sorts of abuse. But this event set up by George was one of the more extreme events set up by George. I do not know if he knew when he set all this up the extreme circumstances that I would be subject to.

George asked me to sit down one evening and I knew, here it comes another task for me. “Georgia I have been talking with a guy on the internet that says he and his boys can show you a good time. The bar is a biker boy called Woody's and its in Hilton Head. Its on a Friday evening and you can take Saturday off and relax on the beach. I have booked us a hotel on the beach and I will be there Saturday to hear what happened and comfort you if needed. The guy you are supposed to meet is called Lucifer and he is leader of a group called Satan's Servants and he tells me he has a huge cock. Lucky you. He told me that he and his boys will give you a good working over, no permanent damage,” George chuckled.

When Friday evening arrived, I was ready to go to Hilton Head. Unsure of what to wear, I finally settled on a black skirt that just barely covered the swell of my ass cheeks. I wore a very tight white sweater that made my 32B boobs look that much bigger than they were. Thank goodness for padded, push up bras. I wanted to avoid panty lines under the skirt, so I slipped on a string thong.

A pair of black pantie hose and some medium heeled pumps were the finishing touches to my "she is a slut attire."

George said I looked sexy as hell and he wanted to get a picture of “his slut”. George got his camera out and just as he took the picture I stuck my tongue out. “Damn, Georgia you ruined it.”

I stormed out the door and went to my car and headed for Hilton Head. I had determine that the biker bar named Woody's was on the island side. The location was set into my GPS.

It was about seven o'clock in the evening when I arrived at Woody's and I noticed that the parking lot was nearly full. There were several motorcycles, pick-up trucks and assorted cars. I sat in the car and tried to get my mind right. I knew that I would have good sex, lots of it but I knew I was going to get hurt. I just knew it. I knew I should have told George that this had to stop a long time ago, but the good sex was better than any pain I had felt.

I was early and decided I would just go inside the bar and wait.

I opened the door and the smell of cigarettes came rushing at me. Woody's was dimly lit but I could see mostly men sitting at tables drinking and some playing pool. There were several that appeared to belong to a motorcycle club. I saw the patches for "Satan's Servants" on the back of their jackets. I saw a few heads turned toward me and felt their eyes on my body, but they turned away and I walked to a bar stool about half way down the bar and sat down, tugging at my skirt to make sure it had not ridden to high.

"What'll you have" the bartender barked at me as he wiped the bar in front of me.

"Shot of Jack and keep them coming," I muttered, just barely loud enough for the bartender to hear. I knew the alcohol would help with any pain I might experience and accentuate the sex.

The cigarette smoke in the bar was making my head hurt. I could hear the loud music from the jute box in the corner and the shouting and laughter of the other patrons. The bartender brought my a shot of the whiskey and sat it in front of me.

"What are you doing in this place?" the bartender asked, "you don't belong here."

I did not reply and slowly took a sip of my whiskey.

"Suit yourself," the bartender growled and walked to the other end of the bar where two men from the motorcycle club were drinking beers.

I sipped my whiskey and waited. After about 20 minutes a man sat down on the bar stool next to me.

"Buy you a drink Georgia?" the man said to me. This must be Lucifer since he knew my name

I glanced at the man. He was large, over six feet and over 250 pounds. He had a vest with no shirt and his arms were covered in tattoos. His breath stank of whiskey and cigarettes. He had about a 10 day growth of a beard and I noticed his hands were dirty.

"No thank you," I replied politely, my voice with just a tremble, "I'm waiting for someone."

“I think that I am the man you are waiting for, I am the President of Satan's Servants and they call me Lucifer.” Lucifer had been watching me since I entered the bar. His eyes had undressed me and imagined what those perky tits looked like without that sweater. George had described her perfectly. Of course the picture George texted Lucifer helped.

Clients always like me to play hard to get so I played the part.

"Excuse me," I said and stood up from the bar stool.

"No so fast, pretty Lady," shouted Lucifer. He motion with his hand and two other men wearing the same vest blocked my path.

"Please, let me leave," I pleaded.

At that moment I felt a hand grasp my hair and jerk me back to the bar. I started to scream but it was cut short by Lucifer's dirty hand clamping over my mouth.

"Lock the door boys," Lucifer commanded, "Our fun has arrived."

I tried to struggle as Lucifer held me tight with his hand clamped over my mouth. His other hand ran up my leg to my crotch. I winched as he tried to shove his finger into me through my panty hose. I began to sob and Lucifer asked the bartender for some tape and he quickly taped my mouth closed.

"Get these clothes off her," Lucifer shouted to several of the men standing around them. He held my arms tightly behind me while his men began trying to strip my clothes off. I tried to kick out, but the men just thought it was sport. Someone grabbed my skirt and ripped it from me in one quick motion. My eyes were large as saucers and I froze when I saw another man with a large knife approach me. The man placed the blade of the knife at my sweater and cut through pulling it open. I felt the air hit my breasts and as they heaved up and down.

Lucifer spun me around and before I could react, I found myself standing nearly naked in the bar with at least 20 men around me. My bra and sweater laid in tatters on the floor. I tried to cover my breast, but Lucifer kept slapping my hands away. I tried to run through the men, but they just laughed as they pushed me back to the center of the group.

"Now," Lucifer began, "do you want to remove those pantyhose, or shall we?"

I shook my head no as tears streamed down my face.

"We 're going to need that mouth opened," another man shouted, "let her scream."

"Last chance," Lucifer offered.

I shook my head violently back and forth hoping that these men would stop. Without any additional warnings, hands were all over me. My breasts were being mauled, nipples pinched hard. I felt thumbs in my pantyhose and thongs and within seconds those last bits of clothing were pulled down and I was lifted out of them.

"Look at that, no bush," Lucifer laughed as I tried to cover my crotch.

I always shaved and my public mound glisten with sweat. I felt hands grabbing at me everywhere, pitching my breast, finger probing between my legs, squeezing my ass cheeks. I slapped at the hands and tried to fight my way free without success. Suddenly the tape was ripped from my mouth. I stood, naked, already with red marks on my breasts and thighs in front of 20 men from Satan's Servants. I looked pleadingly at the bartender, who just smile back and shook his head.

"Please, please," I pleaded as the men pushed me toward the bar.

"Bend over, bitch," Lucifer spat as he pushed me back and pressed my breast onto the bar.

I felt my legs being pulled open and a fingers tugging at the lips of my vagina. I jerked upward and began fighting again as more hands searched my body. I fell onto the floor at the feet of the men abusing me. I covered my face as I heard their laughter. Lucifer reached out and grabbed my hair again jerking my face upward. I gasped as I saw his cock pointed at my mouth. I had never seen such a large cock. I thought it must be a foot long and at least three inches thick.

"Now, open that mouth," Lucifer ordered.

I tried to twist away and slapped at Lucifer's crotch striking his hard cock.

"Make her open her mouth," Lucifer said to the other man around her.

Suddenly, I felt hands on my breasts, my nipples were pinched between two different hand and pulled outward dragging my breast outward. The two men abusing my breast, twisted my nipples and the pain caused me to cry out in pain. The moment my mouth opened, I felt the hard head of Lucifer's penis in my mouth. I tried to spit it out and finally bit down hard on his dick. Lucifer cried out in pain and slapped me so hard across the face I was knocked to the floor.

Lucifer grabbed me by the hair and lifted me to a standing position. He stood before me and said, “Don't ever do that again if you value your life.” he took one step toward me and then I felt his fist hit me square in the stomach as he let go of my hair.

I fell to the floor with the breath knocked out of me. I was trying to suck in some air through my mouth. The pain was unbearable. I got to my knees and tried to crawl away. Lucifer reached down and grabbed my hair once again and yanked me up toward a standing position. I felt a a patch of my air get pulled out by the roots. Lucifer threw that patch of hair aside and reached to grab more hair. I scramble quickly to my feet.

Lucifer grabbed my face with his left hand and said, “Repeat what I just told you.”

I stammered a bit, “You said to...”

Lucifer struck me across the right side of my face with an open-handed slap. I stumbled and fell against the bar knocking myself unconscious.

I awoke to the feeling of large amounts of water being delivered to me body by buckets.

Lucifer said, “Ah Georgia, I see you are back, sorry about the bar getting in the way of your fall. Now tell me what I told you. I will give you a few minutes to get yourself together.

It didn't take me no time to remember, “you said, Don't ever do that again if I value my life”

Lucifer said, “ Just wanted us to understand each other.” Turning to the men he said, “Bitch is a fighter, "softened her up for me.". Lucifer turned away from me.

I tried to clear my head from the slap. I felt my arms and legs grabbed by four of the men and I was pulled spread-eagle onto the floor. I could taste the blood in my mouth and I tried to struggle, but it was useless. As I was held down, the men were on me. Hands pulling and slapping my tits while others probed my cunt and ass. I felt two, three fingers shoved into my cunt. I felt another finger probing my ass. I bucked my hips up and down and tried to escape the intrusions into my ass and cunt. A big man sat down on my stomach effectively pinning my hips to the floor while the abuse continued. I could feel three maybe four fingers sawing in and out of my cunt.

"She soaking wet, oh my god she is enjoying this”, I heard someone say.

He was so right, I was getting so fucking turned on. The fingers in my cunt and ass were driving me wild. Playing the sobbing, please leave me alone woman would be hard.

I was a mess, however, my stomach ached badly, my head where the hair had been yanked from my head was throbbing. And the right side of my face was still singing from Lucifer's slap. How could I feel the least bit horny when I hurt so bad. I guess it was the fact I was a true pain slut.

I screamed again and again. Two fingers were now plunged into my ass and a third was trying to be forced inside. Someone placed a clamp attached to a chain on each of my nipples. The chain was being pulled upward to the point I thought my breast were going to be pulled from my chest. My cunt and ass were full of fingers just jabbing inside my sloppy holes and my breast were pulled outward by the clamps on my nipples. My nipples were now numb, but my breast ached. I was spread-eagled on the floor, with the big man sitting on my chest I finally gave up my futile struggle and just laid there still moaning at the abuse. In reality I was getting driven crazy by the onslaught of men attacking me

Lucifer had sat at the bar and watched his men have fun with Georgia. He was stroking his hard cock the entire time. He wanted to drive it into this bitch.

"Looks like she's ready," Lucifer said, "get her up and bring her to the bar."

I was released and helped to my feet. I could hear the laughter all around as I tried to walk. I felt my breast being pulled downward and saw the clamps still on my nipples. I felt no pain as my nipples were numb. I could see big red marks, bite prints, and whelps all over the front of my body. I stood in front of Lucifer who reached out and removed the clamps. As the blood rushed back into my nipples I winched in pain but did not cry out. I tried to pull back as Lucifer reached out and grasped each of my nipples, now hard and erect from the torment and pulled me toward him.

"Now, let try it again," as Lucifer pushed Georgia onto my knees in front of him.

I was once again eye to eye with Lucifer's hard, 12 inch cock. He was attempting to push it into my mouth and I kept my lips tightly locked and tried to push him away. With my nipples caught between his fingers, the pain shot through my breast and I stopped, but I refused to open my mouth. Lucifer pinched down harder on my erect nipples and then twisted both of them. I whimpered but refused to open my mouth.

"Well then, " Lucifer stated, "let's see if this will persuade her." "Get the hammer and nails" Lucifer shouted at the bartender as he pulled me to my feet again.

I was unsure what was going to happen and my fear was reaching the panic state. Lucifer pushed me over the bar, my breast flattened against the counter top. Two men grabbed my arms and held them tightly behind my back to the point my shoulders were burning. my legs were dragged apart and both were belted to the rail below the bar leaving my cunt and ass exposed. The bartender pulled the hard, erect nipple of my left breast outward and placed a nail in the center.

“George, we told you that we would leave no permanent damage. I promise you I have done this numerous times and the bitch's nipples always heeled. Well there was that one time when the bitch squirmed too much and tore the nails out of her nipples. What do you say George?”

Hearing George's name I raised my head far enough to look down the bar and there sat George drinking a beer. I saw him raise his right hand and give the thumbs up sign.

“No George, don't let them do this, stop them”

Suddenly I screamed in pain as the hammer came down and in one blow the nail went through my nipple and into the top of the bar. A small stream of blood seeped from the top of my nipple. I started to struggle, but any movement brought searing pain into my nipple. I watched in horror as the bartender did the same to the nipple of my right breast. I almost passed out from the pain. However, I was now immobile, my nipples nailed to the bar. My arms were released and I stretched my arms out and my hands grabbed the end of the bar to release the pressure on my nipples. I felt two hands pulling my cunt lips open and then three fingers plunged deep inside me. I released the bar for just a moment and felt the tearing pain in my nipples. I quickly grabbed the end of the bar again.

"My guess is she will cooperate now," Lucifer gloated.

I felt Lucifer's body behind me and I could feel the head of his thick cock at the entrance to my sloppy hole. “You guys were right, she is really wet.” I felt the pressure and hung my head as my cunt lips parted to allow Lucifer's huge cock to penetrate me.

"This hole is wet as a damn river. She is literally gushing. We may have a pain slut her. How lucky are we.”Lucifer said to the other men standing around. Each had their cocks out and were stroking them as they watched their leader bury all twelve inches in the helpless woman's cunt with one thrust.

"God, please stop, I'll do whatever you want, please let me go," I pleaded looking alternatively between Lucifer and George. George just raised his beer as if a toast to me. Damn that bastard.

Lucifer advised that it was too late and began to pound my cunt without mercy. Each deep thrust forced Georgia to slide on the bar and I felt my nipples would be ripped from my breast. Georgia held the end of the bar tightly, trying not to move while my cunt was pounded. My head lying on the bar and my chest heaving as I sobbed.

"She's getting wetter, wetter than ever, boys, slicker than hot butter," Lucifer stated as he continued to pound Georgia.

I could not believe my ears. I felt a low moan escape my lips as I felt a stirring within my cunt. Though all the pain, was my body betraying me? Lucifer continued to thrust in an out, I felt him stiffened and then I could feel his sperm bathing the walls of my cunt. His cock slid out of my hole dragging cum with it. I could feel the cum dripping down the insides of my thighs. I collapsed on the bar thinking that my ordeal was over. Then I felt horror as I heard Lucifer announce that for a dollar, anyone could have my cunt.

I clutched the end of the bar even tighter as I felt another cock enter me quickly. This man also pounded me without mercy. He quickly dumped his load and was replaced by another. I turned my head to look behind me and saw at least fifteen men lined up, cocks out and hard, ready to fuck me. I was helpless to do anything about it. Each man took his turned ravaging my cunt. The cum was collecting in a puddle beneath my out stretched legs and I was now raw and sore from the savage fucking. My nipples were now numb again and the pain was in my cunt and I could not block it from my mind.

Suddenly, I was aware that there was no cock in my cunt. The last man had pulled his limp cock from my cunt and slapped me on the ass.

I was braced for another onslaught, but nothing happened. Lucifer came up behind me and said, “Guys, don't you think that George deserves a go?” The men started chanting, “George, George, George.” I looked up and saw George stand up and I could see he was already jacking his puny prick. He quickly moved behind me.

"Wow, she's opened way up, I can easily slide my hand inside her hole, no problem," George said, "With my puny prick I need something tighter. Let's open the other hole." Damn George knew how much I loved anal sex.

George took a handful of cum from my cunt and smeared it into my ass, jabbing one finger than two into my puckered ring. I then felt George's puny prick entered my asshole and he pumped a few times and came in my ass.

“OK, Lucifer your turn.” I had released my grip on the end of the bar and was just slumped over the bar. My nipples were still numb, but I was aware of the nails holding me to the bar. But when I heard Lucifer's name called out I started to scream, “George, please no, don't let him put that log in my ass.

Lucifer took another hand full of cum from my cunt and smeared it onto my ass. I tried in vain to move my ass out of the way. It was useless. I felt the head of that massive cock at the opening of my ass. I was frantic, begging Lucifer not to fuck my ass. I offered to suck him, to suck all of them, to do anything they wanted if he would spare my ass. Secretly I was excited to get that massive cock buried deep into my ass. Lucifer responded that I was already doing whatever they wanted and pushed into my ass slowly. I screamed louder than ever before at the pain in my rectum. I grunted like I was taking a shit and tried to push his cock out of my ass but Lucifer kept up the steady pressure. I could feel each inch as it passed that tight ring of my asshole. My ass and my head were on fire. I couldn't help but let out a low guttural moans.

One of the man said, “ She loves it, she fucking loves it”

Finally the pressure stopped and I could feel Lucifer's scrotum against my swollen, raw cunt lips.

"I'm in," he announced and the crowd applauded.

Lucifer began to rapidly saw his huge cock in and out of my abused ass. The pain of the stretching combined with the pleasure of an object, a large object in my ass were battling to see who won the pain/pleasure race.

The pain was almost unbearable and I screamed with each thrust. Suddenly, as my ass adjusted,I no longer felt the pain, but something else building deep inside my loins. Somehow Lucifer sensed it to and he reached around and grabbed my hard clit. It was too much for me. I began to wail with pleasure as the orgasm spread through my entire body. Thrashing my legs against the bonds holding them wide apart and pushing myself up from the bar stretching my breast tightly from where my nipples were nailed tightly, I continued to spasm in a massive wave of my orgasm. The increased pain in my nipples just heightened the intensity. I thought I would go crazy and wave after wave of orgasmic pleasure spread through my entire body. I felt the cock in my ass grower larger and the hot cum spreading through my intestine and I collapsed nearly unconscious on top of the bar. Lucifer struggled to hold my limp body on the bar as he felt the last drops of his cum spurt into Georgia. After the fact, I am so glad he did grab me. I shudder to think what would have happened to my nipples if my upper body had slipped off the bar.

Lucifer pulled his now limp cock from my ass and a trickle of cum and blood oozed out of my asshole which was gaping open unable to contract after the brutal assault. I was out of it.

When I awoke, I was at first disoriented. I realized I was now in my car outside the bar. I was wearing an old flannel shirt and my black skirt. my nipples hurt, my cunt throbbed and my ass was on fire. I slowly unbuttoned the shirt and looked at my breasts. They were covered in bite marks and bruises. my one inch nipples were purple with two blood clots on each side where the nails had been placed. I reached under my skirt and felt the swollen lips of my cunt and to my embarrassment the wetness present. I shifted in my seat and felt the burning pain where my asshole had been ravaged. I began crying as I searched for my keys finding them on the floor with a note attached. I read what the note said.

George told us where you live, you will forget this ever happened. Don't ever come to this bar again."

I heard a tapping on my window and there stood Georgia. I lowered the window and George said, “ “Quite a night babe. You want to follow me to the hotel?”

I glared at George and tried to control my anger. I said, Yes you fucking asshole, I will follow you.”

George just smiled.

As I was driving, the thought of George kept racing through my head and my anger at him was stronger than I could remember.However I also thought about my ordeal at the hands of Lucifer and the Satan's Servants and I felt a tingle between my legs and my nipples harden. The pain in my nipples increased as my nipples hardened.

I need to tell George that he has to put some kind of safeguards into these scenarios. I came real close to having my nipples ripped off.

I do know that I will speak to George and see if he can set up another trip to Woody's bar. With that a smile came to my lips. Perhaps I would cut George some slack.

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