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hurt so good

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By markenstien [Ignore] 16,Jun,23 20:17   Pageviews: 63

yes it hurt so good nipple being pinched and balls swing by a 5 lb weight with dick tied and i was jacking off . yes it felt so good . would have like to had a woman doing all that to me and more . you do see a woman in my pic out in the garage . she is my housekeeper . i jack off in front of her maybe 3 night a week while she is watching tv . i set in my computer chair at my desk naked or wearing pantie . tell her to watch me jacking off , that i like jacking off , i like her seeing me jacking off.

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By Asphaltcowboy [Ignore] 02,Mar,25 13:44
Yes having a woman watch you jack off is fun. I have a little dick and I know they will embarrass me about it which always turns me on

By Timpeter [Ignore] 17,Jun,23 01:05
Maybe shed like to watch a large PenisEx0lode with mucho SperM?

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