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I’m back and I’m horny!

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By Bent66 [Ignore] 01,Jun,23 20:35   Pageviews: 52

It’s been over two years since I’ve posted any pics or written any blogs. Well, I’m back and glad of it! Of course I’ve been jacking off regularly all that time and fucking my wife as often as I can! Fucking is best, but jacking off is really hard to beat! I’ve been reading some articles about guys who had jack off buddies when they were young, and I think I really missed out! That really sounds great to jack off with someone else. It might really be nice to jack another guy’s dick and have him do me.

I don’t always fuck my wife when we make love. I always suck her to orgasm, but then, sometimes I fuck her and sometimes she gives me a handjob or she helps as I jack myself.

Right now, I’m super horny! No orgasms for over three weeks! Been doing some significant edging, and boy am I ready! Whether I shoot my load in my wife or in the air, it’s gonna be good!

Let’s do some mutual masturbating!!

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By cfan2 [Ignore] 05,Jun,23 12:40
Wish I lived next door!!

By #536316 [Ignore] 05,Jun,23 11:03
can relate with you about it being 3 weeks since a orgasm because I was on an extended trip where the opportunity was not available.

By oldgray69 [Ignore] 03,Jun,23 13:25
The last time I was looking for some mutual mastrubation, I reached over and played with the wife's pussy, she has several orgasmens. She never touched me at all but thanked me and rolled over and went to sleep. Leaving me to take care of myself. So for fathers day, I am going to send her a request for one of those mastrubation cups you see all over the place. Vibrates, sucks and pumps. Lets see if she will order it. I remember when I had a sex life.

By #677384 [Ignore] 02,Jun,23 15:31 pop once told me "son you are like a sore dick...hard to beat hehe"

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