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Exposed in Las Vegas

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By richsta22 [Ignore] 25,May,23 08:14   Pageviews: 69

First let me just say that all my stories here involving my experiences are true, not fantasy, and recalled as best I can remember.

I was in my teens and stayed with a group of friends in a hotel at the end of the Las Vegas Strip for one long weekend. It was more like a huge motel where the door to the rooms opened up out to a public square and swimming pool area. Each room had a large picture window with curtains.

I noticed while brushing my teeth at the bathroom sink that I could see thru the open bathroom door out into the public square by the reflection off of the large mirror on the bedroom wall. I checked it out and saw that anyone walking by and looked thru my window could easily see me standing in my bathroom if the bathroom door and curtains were left wide open. Being one who is into exposing myself and humiliation I formulated my plan.

I stripped my clothes off, hid behind the curtains and waited for some women to walk past. It was a busy hotel and it didn't take long before I spotted a group of five or six girls in their late teens heading my way along the sidewalk that went right in front of my window. I played the TV very loud to attract attention to my room and then quickly opened the curtains fully and went to the bathroom and pretended to brush my teeth in the nude. Even with the TV playing loudly I could hear them chatting and laughing as they approached my room. Out of the corner of my eye I watched them walk past.

I thought I had lost my opportunity to "accidentally" expose myself until I saw one of them back up and take a second look into my room. Her reaction went from shocking surprise to huge smile as she called her friends back to look thru my window.

Now I don't want to brag but at that time I had a nicely toned thin body and was quite the athlete and something to look at. Having said this I also knew that my penis size was smaller than average and was embarrassed to show to friends and family, especially girls I knew. But for some reason, which I can't explain, I loved the humiliation of strangers, especially women and girls, even now.

As the group of girls gathered at my window I continued to pretend brushing my teeth as they watched. They starred open mouthed and wide-eyed while trying to keep out of my sight by staying in the corner of the window. I then turned my body, pretending to put away my toothbrush, and exposing my tiny member to them. I heard them burst out laughing and then begin giggling ... it was great! Then I turned 180 degrees and bent over looking for a towel to expose my butt ... more laughter.

Then I noticed a flash and a couple girls had taken out their cameras and were taking photos. I think they realized I noticed the flash and moved away from the window briefly. This was before the days of cellphones btw. I guess they turned off their flash and continued to takes photos as I now was so bold I was gonna give them a real show.

I make-believed I still hadn't noticed them and was gonna masturbate in the bathroom as they watched. My small penis was already hard and I took it in hand and began stroking it slowly at first. I began thrusting my hips and stroking faster and harder until I came ropes of cum all over the bathroom sink and mirror.

I heard them scream with delight and one of them banged on my window. I pretended to be in shock to see them watching me and instead of just closing the door I walked out of the bathroom and towards the window to close the curtains. They got a real good look at my still throbbing dick and I got to see their faces clearly, and they mine. They called for me to come out but I was too inexperienced with girls to know what to do next so I just stayed in my room until I thought they had left.

I later bumped into them around the casino and the pool over the rest of the weekend but I just looked from afar as they occasionally winked and pointed in my direction. I was in heaven and yet prayed my friends wouldn't find out what I had done. Knowing then what I know now I'm still not certain I'd know what to do if I had opened the door and let them in. I think about this a lot over the decades and what could have been and it continues to be a jerk off fantasy of mine.

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By Celestial [Ignore] 14,Nov,23 21:21

Great story. VERY well written!

By richsta22 [Ignore] 14,Nov,23 22:21
So happy you enjoyed it
By Celestial [Ignore] 15,Nov,23 04:45

I hope you'll write more!


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