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Very deep and sentimental stuff

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By AmazingLuna [Ignore] 01,May,23 09:42   Pageviews: 20

Hey here's a idea I've been thinking of for a bit now. Later this year I will buy a red or pink necklace and I always wear the necklace in videos or photos or even real life. You'll never see me without it. Once I go on hrt and become feminine and buy the necklace. It'll represent the good/light in me. And the love I feel. A good reminder for the darkest of days where everything is going wrong. I'm thinking of buying a blue necklace as well and keep it. Till I meet the man or woman who is the one I would want to spend the rest of my life with. And then I'd give him or her the blue necklace. Very deep and sentimental stuff I know.

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By whatsupcocks [Ignore] 04,May,23 17:59
Thats cool.
By AmazingLuna [Ignore] 05,May,23 05:21
Definitely lol. So by September you should see me with a pink or red necklace. Also I have a gp appointment next week and from there I will have to wait 4 weeks for my gp to hear back from a specialist and hopefully from there I get the prescription to go on hrt.

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