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Update: thinking of getting manscaped

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By AmazingLuna [Ignore] 22,Apr,23 09:06   Pageviews: 28

I'm thinking of saving up for manscaped. Is it worth it. Or should I just buy a random shaver or trimmer or something. I'm going to shave my facial and body hair. Including my pubic and ass hair once I do buy one. Then I will start getting certain areas laser hair removal. It may be awhile like a month or two until I'm on hrt. But why not start getting stuff done soon ahead of time.

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By #668890 [Ignore] 24,Apr,23 12:34
I'm all for the manscaping!
By AmazingLuna [Ignore] 24,Apr,23 19:30
I'll save up and definitely manscape then
By #668890 [Ignore] 24,Apr,23 20:18

By onthelose [Ignore] 24,Apr,23 17:41
I do it myself. Not as easy as it was when I was younger but just as satisfying. I watched some waxing videos and decided against that. Looks painful. I haven’t found a partner to do the hard to get spots yet, still looking.
By AmazingLuna [Ignore] 24,Apr,23 19:29
That's cool. I'm definitely gonna look into it.
By #668890 [Ignore] 24,Apr,23 20:07
not into pain eother so no waxing...or even blade shaving...usually use a Seiko Clean Cut Razor with a regular trimmer to get hair eveerywhere short enuff for the Seiko to work its painless magic. I've helped countless guys getting into thiose hard tio rewach on their own places. Always glad to lend a helping hand for another "I'd rather be smooth" brother
By AmazingLuna [Ignore] 24,Apr,23 20:16
That's cool

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