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Photography and pic quality and effects

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By soulpioneer [Ignore] 09,Apr,23 22:06   Pageviews: 137

Hi guys,

I was wondering your thoughts on photography and how the camera and angles you use affect your photos. My gallery here is like over 10 years old, I did use an old little Fuji dig cam for some earleir pics, then switched over to just using my smartphone, but its just a basic budget model, Samsung Galaxy J7 Crown, has an MP 13 quality, front and back cam, but notice the front cover cam takes slightly different pic quality or angular effects? than the the one on the back, so not sure how that is with all the camera lingo and technology. I just use whatever cam is most logical and convenient when taking nudes, cock, ass, body shots, etc. (I hope to upgrade to a better phone with more space and better quality cam soon).

I usually hold the camera myself and try different angles on myself, and sometimes for distance shots, use the auto timer feature, or it can detect your hand/palm, to activate the snap. I also have used PhotoPad and currently PhotoScape, free photo edit programs on my desktop, to crop, add hilights and other effects to my pics. I havent dont any 'editing' to affect my cock size, just for those who wondered - i just play with the resizing of the photo and other effects to enhance the overall pic or try some creative art stuff.

Anyways,...just some thoughts; comments and suggestions are welcome, as well as other photo ideas or poses - I know the skin tone colours of some of my 'touched up' photos can be a bit too 'varied' at times, but hope its not too 'funky', as I'd like most all to be pleasant or at least interesting "eye candy" for all who view. Thanks for continued dialouge

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By WHATSUPDOC [Ignore] 07,Nov,23 23:41
you take very good pics where as I ALWAYS MOVE WHEN I am taking pics so mine don't come out as I want them to

By soulpioneer [Ignore] 23,Jul,23 17:59
Hope to get a newer Samsung phone soon, with a better cam on it,....Im with TotalVerizon, who took over TotalWirless recently,....I have a Samsung Galaxy J7 Crown basic budget model now....any ideas on a good upgrade model? I'll look on TotalVerizon to see if they have any specials to upgrade to. Thanks!

By #691359 [Ignore] 10,Apr,23 03:39
Hello Soul,
my cam is also a cheap samsung galaxy. My better one was a Huawei but it was stolen. Even the samsung CAN make quite good pics for the web. The most tricky thing is to get the focus on that spot I want to show and holding the phone qiet. For the first it is necessary to tip on the screen of the phone until a "focus-circle" occurs. For the second I have a clamp I can put on the edge of a table with another part which hold the phone. With that itis much easier to make pics and they become better ("sharper") - also with auto timer.
As foto-program I use MS Picture manager and sometimes f.ex. for colour splash the online version of iPiccy photo editor. So far, I am not a computer- nor smartphone-freak. I have som fotografic skills from former times with mechanic foto cameras, when I made alot of botanical pics ;-)
By soulpioneer [Ignore] 10,Apr,23 03:48
awesome! so much to learn and experiment with with photography, its always so fun!

By #240 [Ignore] 10,Apr,23 00:10
Holy shit!! And I thought I was a masturbator!!
I too have been taking photos and videos of myself from the early days. As soon as I was in private with the video camera back in the early nineties, I was masturbating in front of it recording myself!
I too had a little digital camera, and using that camera helped me to develop a technique of edging cumshots for extended periods of time. When smartphone cameras got better, and my old digital camera obsolete, it became so fucking to easy to simply break out the phone whenever I had an erection, Haha! Pretty soon, my library of my own masturbation sessions became pretty extensive, as I see yours have!! Right on! Peace
By soulpioneer [Ignore] 10,Apr,23 00:37
thanks man! evolve and hone your craft - I just keep it going, try to be balanced, and even have to cut back some, as you can get into the habit of snapping pics, and your gallery can get pretty full

By bella! [Ignore] 09,Apr,23 23:25
I hope you won't mind that I am the first to comment.... Your pictures have always been amazing, from the first pic posted 4 months shy of 14 years ago on August 13, 2009 /b67yj0xicozypic.html to the picture that uploaded just today /prapnjyq0urzpic.html
By soulpioneer [Ignore] 10,Apr,23 00:00
Thanks bella! you've always be cool and nice Keep it poppin baby. Yeah, i see it all as art anyways, and theres always some fun 'effects' you can add to the photos, and lots of creative new angles to try

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