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Brasize measuring

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By brasizemeasurer [Ignore] 05,Apr,23 14:45   Pageviews: 70


I have always loved knowing a womans bra size since i started masturbating.
I got into the habit of snooping through underwear drawers of my mom then my friends moms and sisters to any chance I got.
With luck i worked at a sports store that sold sports bras which was the closest I got to getting to know or ask a womans bra size without looking like a perv.
My boss who was quite the perv as well told me to bring a size under than what they asked so you can see a full top and a hot view. They always asked my opinion. Totally loved it.
To be continued...

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By brasizemeasurer [Ignore] 01,Jun,23 19:26
Sometimes I love to ask girls I know,

By NebulaInHeat [Ignore] 13,Apr,23 13:24

By #691730 [Ignore] 11,Apr,23 13:18
Back in my younger days girls wore bras with the clasps in the back ... took awhile to learn the proper technique for undoing them without looking like a dope ... things certainly got easier when they started designing bras with the clasp in the front!

By woody4647 [Ignore] 10,Apr,23 12:40
I too find it interesting to check out bra sizes. In my experience most women underestimate their real size. They say they are a 36D when they are really a 38f. My current Gf iS a 38FF. Great big boobs!

By #662360 [Ignore] 05,Apr,23 15:50
My favourite is thin strapped bras with cups only just big enough to sling a woman’s bouncers. I still remember the first time I took a girls bra off. It was black cloth and her boobs were deliciously sized. I often take my wife’s bra off for her. I still fumble with the back clasps but she can undo it instantly with one hand behind her back.
By brasizemeasurer [Ignore] 05,Apr,23 16:13
Oh nice. Yes, the snug cupped bras. !st one i took off i strugggled What is your wifes size?

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