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first time touching a dick

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By markenstien [Ignore] 09,Mar,23 10:36   Pageviews: 86

i touch two cocks today . one was a older man uncut , i told the man it was my first time touching a dick . he ask me if i have suck a dick . i told him no but i want to . not him . later this day i was at the river under the brige , found a nice place to park . got naked and was walking around . i saw a guy fishing under the brige by a concrete poles . i walk out where he could see me and he did . he wave to me and i waved too . i walked over to where he was . we talked , i felt of his dick in his shorts and it was getting hard . i ask him to come over by my truck so i could suck his dick . we got by the truck and got his dick out stroking it . he was 20 years old . he had some pre cum on his dick . his hard dick felt good . there was a truck pull up by us , the boy ran off into the woods . i got dress . the truck look and then left . i looked for the boy , never find him . i left . i liked feeling of the old dick and a young dick . really want to suck the young dick . it was real exciting walking to the young guy naked . that young dick and balls was smooth and hairless . the boy felt of my dick too , not much . i will try a different way of doing it next time .

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By Timpeter [Ignore] 06,May,23 01:17
Ive never been nude with a male.but i think even though i not gay if ifwe each underssed in front of each guy im gonna be Erect and Steel hjust case usee my ShavedBullBalls
By Timpeter [Ignore] 06,May,23 01:18
That would be kinda cool watching your cock throb from my playing with IT
By Timpeter [Ignore] 06,May,23 01:19
Well im not gay but i would love it if we oiled each others Erectionssmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
By Timpeter [Ignore] 06,May,23 01:20
Can you have my manpussy virginity
By Timpeter [Ignore] 06,May,23 01:21
I will make a note and i ll post it for you if we touch eitrs Cockerections
By markenstien [Ignore] 20,May,23 07:27
i don't think its about be gay . i think its more about getting excited haveing sex in any way i can . i do a lot of sex with and to myself . i like it when i get to the point of no stopping . it happen in different way . getting naked and someone watch or outside . lots of times i will be jacking off and fingering my asshole and then i want to stick something up my asshole to feel me cumming in my ass and my dick . it like when i was at the river and got naked and walking around . i was wanting someone to see me . Tim , i'm sure we could have some hot sex together . playing with each others manpussy .to bad you are so far away.

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