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A experience I had in the big city….

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By montana [Ignore] 26,Feb,23 08:34   Pageviews: 158

This is a true story. I was a 19 year old from Montana, brand new to the navy and to what a big city was like. I was attending my A School at the 32nd St Naval Station in San Diego. It wasn’t very long before I was climbing onto a bus headed for downtown alone, remembering how exciting it was for me when a few days earlier I had been there with several buddies, but all we did was score some pot, and find two hookers to fuck!! The first thing I did was visit the Pussycat Theater and see my first my first x rated movie. I came out of there very hard and very horny!!!! I wandered around awhile with a hard and precum leaking cock, and soon ended up at the main downtown square, where earlier I had observed all types of interesting people gathering, doing all kinds of exciting things. There was one guy preaching and some Hari Krishna were doing their thing, but what really caught and held my attention was an older guy who was wandering around, and from the way he was interacting with everybody else there he was very gay and was looking for a possible hookup. I stood off to one side and watched him for awhile. The way he was acting had just about everybody’s attention in that crowded town square and it wasn’t long before he was getting close to me!!! I was so young, naive, horny, bi-curious, and excited, that when he eventually came up beside me, I didn’t move. When he leaned into me I still didn’t move or say anything, so he knew he had a possible willing young piece. He reached around behind me and put his hand on my ass, first cupping one cheek and then the other, and when he received no negative response from me, he slipped his hand down and pushed his finger up into my pants right where my asshole would be, and he didn’t miss. I still did not say anything, did not try to move away, and did not try to stop him. I was so dammed hard and excited that I just stood there, letting him finger my asshole and not caring that everybody there were watching us!!! I just stood there quietly and let him finger my asshole, and he was really probing!!!!! It was all so surreal and I was lost in perverted lust, not caring, and I was actually pushing downwards a little as I squirmed around on his finger!!!! The fact that he was doing this to me in front of everybody was so exciting!!!!! I let him take my hand and lead me away, so it was obvious to everyone there that he finally found a horny one. He lead me down to a restroom located below the square, but it was too crowded, so I let him lead back up and then away into the night, where a couple of blocks away in a dark doorway, I let him pull my pants down. He dropped his pants too and we both had very hard cocks, he dropped down and proceeded to give me the best blowjob I’ve ever had and to add to the thrill, another man walking by stopped and watched us!! I cum so fucking hard, he sucked harder and slurped it all down….!!!! It was all so fucking hot!!!

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By hornyuncut [Ignore] 08,Oct,24 18:47

By JackinKing [Ignore] 16,Jun,24 21:02
Great memory to have!

By johnwish [Ignore] 29,Apr,23 09:57

By Frenum [Ignore] 16,Apr,23 01:58
Nice story I'm throbbing now

By furluvr [Ignore] 26,Feb,23 09:24
Great recollection, buddy!

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