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Married guys and the wife who won't have sex.

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By Jakestheman [Ignore] 01,Aug,22 06:59   Pageviews: 188

A LOT of you guys on this site are married and a LOT of you married guys have wife's who have either stopped having sex completely OR are slowly trickling down to nothing in the sex department and/or are lets just say less than enthusiastic about having sex period..

I'd venture to say that the MAJORITY of the MARRIED guys on this site are in this boat...

Prove me wrong..

Over the years I have witnessed this play out soooooo many times for real.. Guys who's wife's stop having sex who THEN turn to other men for sex... For real sex, not just virtual..

I tell a story in one of my posts below of a group of us guys who used to get together in the mornings before work at a no-tell motel for guy-sex... It was a BLAST literally.

We ALL were married, professional guys who with the exception of yours truly, all had found themselves in sexless marriages.. I was there because I enjoyed having sex with guys! I was still getting plenty-o-sex from my beloved wife mind you.. She knew what I was doing and didn't care as long as I was still MORE than interested in her and NO GIRLS were involved.

Anywhoo, these guys' wife's all stopped having sex for various reasons.. Some claimed menopause, others just lost all interest, some said that sex became painful as their cootchie's aged, others just flat out no longer found their husbands sexually desirable.. Some of these wife's were never 'sexual dynamos' to begin with.. Frigid is the word I'd use, from the start.... Brrrrrr... It happens... Not to me, but it does..

It's REALLY hard not to feel sorry for a guy in this situation. I mean really, what IS a fella to do... Here he is, a middle aged man who if he's LUCKY, is still capable of getting an erection and his wife shuts him OFF? He really doesn't have many options now does he?

1) Wacking off. That's kind of where this site and others comes into play right?
2) Having sex with others, men or women.. This will TYPICALLY not end well my friends... Loretta Lynn has a song about this....
3) Celibacy I SHUDDER to even write that word
4) Possible professional help and/or counseling for you AND especially the wifey... I highly recommend this BTW.

At the first sign of this, get her in front of a professional sex therapist. A REAL one. A GOOD one.. Pay the $$$ Get in there and find out what the REAL problem is and fix it, just fix it.. (Who let Ross Perot in here?)

You might be surprised... She might just think she's too ugly have sex and that YOU think she's a giant rodent or something...

Women are fickle beasts when it comes to sex. They look at sex completely different than we men do.. Remember the old adage about how women and men view sex:

Women need a REASON to have sex, men just need a place.

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By nekekal [Ignore] 03,Aug,22 17:52
I wanted to try professional help for the wife. But she said NO. As she put it "Why do I want to pay money so that I become a sex crazy freak like you?"

She is perfectly happy being sexless and doesn't care enough about me to want me to be happy and enjoy myself if it involves her. It took me years to figure this out. But the last example was about 10 years ago. She was at her yearly check up and must have mentioned vaginal dryness as the Dr. Prescribed a cream with estrogen to lubricate her cunt. But the tube cost $100 and she didn't pick it up. Having a nice soft flexible cunt, suitable for fucking, was not worth the money for something she didn't care about anyway.
By Jakestheman [Ignore] 04,Aug,22 06:02
Wow, sounds like you got a real 'winner' there... Nothing worse than a dried up old cunt with attitude no less..

Here's a question for you, did she EVER like having sex?
By nekekal [Ignore] 04,Aug,22 12:48
Before we were married, she claimed to like being fucked. Because it was really important to me, so we fucked all the time. Otherwise I would have been out of there.

But as soon as we were married, she was not in the mood. I have come to believe that she was faking it. She knew what she had to do to get what she wanted. She really hates everything about cock.
By #686618 [Ignore] 13,Jan,23 09:34
Closet lesbian? I learned I was sick of assholes thinking they could dominate me. When I tailored my selection of men to submissives, suddenly I REALLY enjoyed sex. Got to take control of what you want and understand that you're decision to get married was on you. Exactly the reason I will never marry nor have children. But I guess yall are too optimistic and I'm a pessimist. It's also a harsh reality of life, impermanence is everywhere and so is suffering. Why think you could make such a risky decision work? Instead of being pissed at your wives, man up and leave.
By nekekal [Ignore] 13,Jan,23 13:39
Could be. She has told me several times that If I was a woman, I would understand.

Getting married is on me. It seemed like what people were expected to do. Different reasons and expectations. We agreed that there were no children.

For years, I thought it was just me. So I kept trying. But nothing was ever enough. Then it seemed too late to leave. Like a battered woman, I felt I could not do any better anywhere else.

Besides she isn't a terrible roommate, just a terrible sex partner.
By #686936 [Ignore] 05,Feb,23 03:22
Your self limiting beliefs are what hold you back, my friend. You must let those go. I thought I couldn't find a man that could make me want to try anal, but here I am and I love him dearly, although he has no clue about that. He thinks himself a nerd but it is not true. He is smart, big dick, uses it well, witty, funny. I see these insecurities and fears hold him back too. This is so sad for me. So many years wasted because of false beliefs. I have similar stories as well, darling. My advice stands, change them while you can. I'm glad I didn't stay with Juan. He was going nowhere.
By nekekal [Ignore] 05,Feb,23 15:23
ok. I will work on it.
By Jakestheman [Ignore] 28,Feb,23 05:57
Great advise.. You're 'hired' to provide advise to the guys on MY blog
By #686936 [Ignore] 28,Feb,23 07:59
Yes. I give the best advice or I shut my mouth. Lol

By onthelose [Ignore] 02,Aug,22 00:57
You are absolutely right. The only thing I disagree with is the counseling. Not going to happen until hell freezes over. just isn’t interested in sex, not that she ever was,. Told me that her mom said that it was her duty as my wife to provide sex. After that I felt like I was raping her and I couldn’t do that to my best friend. No sex with her for 20 years. So I guess if you find yourself in this situation you are just supposed be a good partner and forget about sex? N o t !
By Jakestheman [Ignore] 02,Aug,22 10:48
So let me ask you this, are you jerkin the gherkin on your own OR are you playin with others? (men, women or both)

Left to jerk you own dick for 20+ years is a mighty sorry way to go my friend....

BTW, I happen to LIKE your gherkin.... If you're EVER in the Indy area, look me and my girls up. We'll be MORE than happy to take that lovely dick of yours for a ride down memory lane so to speak and make sure it's and YOU are put the uses the way to good lord intended...
By #686936 [Ignore] 27,Feb,23 14:50
No woman should ever not want sex for 20 years. She has some hormone problem. She needs medical help. I suffered low libido for years and still had sex though. I do NOT get this at all and why some women withhold intimacy like this. I would be very worried if I didn't wanna fuck my partners. I was in a sexless relationship for two years. I broke up with him because of it. I will not allow someone to withhold intimacy; it is part of the agreement. I will leave instead. Why i wanna marry a sex addict like myself.
By Jakestheman [Ignore] 28,Feb,23 05:51
Withholding sex in a relationship is one of the meanest things one person can do to another..... I'm with you, leave. Get out of that so-called relationship ASAP!
By #686936 [Ignore] 28,Feb,23 07:59
It is obviously a form of control and heavily selfish. Also self destructive too, sex is essential to proper health. Why do you think I love it so much as someone with many illnesses? Like people need it more than ever now!

By #686936 [Ignore] 27,Feb,23 14:47
I believe woman and men need a reason because that is what is forced on us. I need NO REASON to fuck anyone, and last I checked, I definitely am no man. Idk about this post man. It kinda has a lot of stereotypes in here and calling us fickle as a whole is quite sexist. I hate fickle people. I will never be that way.
By Jakestheman [Ignore] 28,Feb,23 05:55
Generalizations my dear from YEARS of experience.. You are an exception to virtually every one and I just LOVE that about you...

Hey, men can be fickle too.... but you know, having had lots and lots of sex with both men and women, I've found men to be a whole lot LESS fickle than woman... Of course, part of that depends upon HOW you're defining fickle.
By #686936 [Ignore] 28,Feb,23 07:57
I guess my experience with women has been a bit limited, yeah. I just don't like generalizations unless 100% true. Its just how my brain works. But I love being the exception, thats my game.

By #686618 [Ignore] 13,Jan,23 09:39
And I was going to let you into the circle. Kicked out for lack of responsibility.

By subfuckhole [Ignore] 04,Aug,22 19:40
the way i see it she won't give me sex ill go get it someplace i like and that's men who enjoy to fuck me what better way to enjoy sex

By onthelose [Ignore] 03,Aug,22 13:49
There have been occasional others but not many. None for the past few years.

By willy11 [Ignore] 02,Aug,22 11:49

By kupreanoff [Ignore] 01,Aug,22 13:05
good post . spot on

By Gntlmn [Ignore] 01,Aug,22 11:30
Good advice

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