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Noisy fuckers and weird faces

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By babycok [Ignore] 25,Jun,22 11:44   Pageviews: 224

I've often been amazed what the noises some guys make when they are cumming inside me like grunts and growls and lots of obscene language too! The most memorable was a guy who had my legs over his shoulders and was really hurting me with his big fat cock and made me cry like a little girl. When he stopped pumping he let out a long high pitched wail - I knew he'd cum at last - what a relief! I usually prefer to sit on top to control of a guy's dick so I can control him as I slowly pump him inside me and look at their weird facial expressions as they cum.

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By hytiger [Ignore] 30,Oct,24 08:44
How big was he?
By babycok [Ignore] 03,Nov,24 02:52
Lengthwise only about 6.5 inches but he was extremely thick and we had only a very short time to fuck. Not enough time foreplay even though he used plenty of lube

By nakedjim [Ignore] 11,Mar,23 10:00
Soft moans and strong jams when I'm shorting, then a long sey.

By Frenum [Ignore] 25,Feb,23 01:54
I'm very noisy when I cum

By #634216 [Ignore] 22,Dec,22 07:41
My mouth twists up all funny!

By chubbyloves [Ignore] 01,Jul,22 15:52
Not much for noise when on the down low

By #662360 [Ignore] 25,Jun,22 16:37
You’d be alright with me. I just go “Nnnnnnnnggghh! ... NnnnnngggHh! ... Aahhhhh!” When I cum.
By babycok [Ignore] 25,Jun,22 16:40
send me a recording...

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