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Shy wife

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By Teddtucker [Ignore] 24,Sep,21 14:54   Pageviews: 327

I’m a high school English teacher from Alabama. At first when my husband told me he had posted naked pictures of me online I was a little embarrassed. It’s not the kind of thing I’d want the PTA to see. Then he showed me some of the comments. I couldn’t believe how many men thought I was sexy. He posted pics of me before and after my boob job. It makes me wet now knowing so many guys are jacking off to my pics. Let me know what you think.

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By Mylimastuff [Ignore] 01,Jun,24 20:17
So fucking hot! Love to meet in person!

By kre8tor69 [Ignore] 16,Mar,22 19:48
Do not be shy fine gal! Just be careful as you start fucking and sucking lots of new folks along with your hubby for the super fsexy fun of it all! You should get lots of offers to play with your fine self!
By kre8tor69 [Ignore] 25,Jun,22 18:57
Sorry for the distance. I and many others might like to just suck your super fine tits and your I bet tasty pussy without fucking you, so you do not need to worry about that part. Just tell whoever you play with you do not want babies anymore and to dump his load elsewhere for the fun of you both!

By Jakestheman [Ignore] 16,May,22 15:56
I know I'm strange but I actually liked you're boobs BEFORE the boob job.. Sorry... I still like you and your boobs though so no worries. You are ALL woman and thank the good lord for it... From head to toe you are just glorious... Yummmmmmm

By #643995 [Ignore] 18,Oct,21 09:13
I jack off to your pics often... you are gorgeous..!!!

By dura2000 [Ignore] 30,Sep,21 15:13
You have a lovely body, personally I prefer your tits the way they were.

By #645069 [Ignore] 29,Sep,21 19:43
I’m not ashamed or embarrassed to tell you that I javk off while looking at your pics frequently. I love eating pussy, and I would consider it an honor to perform cunnilingus on you. Of course, we would have to finish up with a long deep fuck. You are incredibly sezy!

By curious10 [Ignore] 26,Sep,21 15:39
I am going to jack off right now to a pic of you showing asshole
By Teddtucker [Ignore] 28,Sep,21 10:01
That makes me wet. Thanks.

By #630716 [Ignore] 27,Sep,21 09:55
Love your pics

By chubbyloves [Ignore] 26,Sep,21 21:11
Great pictures, nice "new" boobs. Well worth the money. Yes, a lot of men will jack off to your pictures, including me. My teachers never looked anything like you.

By Bill [Ignore] 25,Sep,21 16:41
Mmmm looks good an nice tits job very sexy and hot

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