Yep talking about me.
Was trying to get someone to view my page and register himself on the site, then I saw the meaningful disclaimers on the register page again,
reminding me of what I have agreed. “Mockery and stuffs” would happen, make sure you could take it before you wanna be here. I took the bullet, so I am rethinking whether I want to move to another porn site to start all over, or calm my tits and stay here and renovate my page.
Anyway yea I’m indecisive, insecure and easily irritated. They want me to give in and be gone, that got me thinking I wanna rebel and do the exact opposite.

Love seeing your pics - either slutting it up by yourself, or when you are pleasing yourself by pleasing your man.
I am no gambler but I would bet for every idiot posting crap, there are 100 of us quietly fapping away at your pics
Some will mock your shit others will like it, who do you want to chat with ?
On this summer day,
Then you might as well
Take the sun away;
If you go away,
Ne me quitte pas
If you go away,
Ne me quitte pas
I would stay if for no other reason but to irritate the hell out of the jealous haters. some people that are old and fat and grey haired like me like to intimidate and aggravate attractive people to make them as miserable as themselves so they don't feel alone.
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