Rant. Or “playing the victim”.
I just think that some members on this site are just toxic. Yes, some people because I could not even see whom blocked me or whom reported me as U n d e r a g e ... again. For the last time, I DON’T NEED YOUR APPROVAL TO BE HERE AND BESIDES I AM LEGALLY APPROVED TO BE HERE. If you are trying to play god then I want to ask if you are the admin himself? Plus if you are so irritated go ask the admin and have him talk to me / verify me and whatever. Bet you just think of reporting and only reporting because if the admin did verify my age and I was “approved by official” you would not be satisfied with the outcome either cause at the end you don’t like me.
Listen, I now don’t care about if I am liked by everyone. I don’t cater everyone cause at the end this is a porn site and if I wanted to cater everyone I’d wanna be in a customer service department.
Back then I tried to explain, how I care and apply sunscreen and stuff for myself and that need to stop. I just don’t feel like explaining anymore. People are just comparing apple to orange. Are we the same race? If you prefer no Asians here you could say it out loud you know.
I always stay silent cause when people are angry and illogical I just don’t want to cater the craziness. But when I got to know that I am reported once again, if you gonna cause it, yup we gonna have it. For now I am angry and look what has been written. P e d o . Do you know what it means? Go check the dictionary cause I have never seen a so-called “ p e d o ” child loving an older man is referred as p e d o p h i l e. Not gonna lie, there are more than 1 porn site in this world. If it is not welcoming here I won’t hesitate to switch.
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1. U n d e r a g e
2. P e d o |
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