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By CAT-2 [Ignore] 08,Jun,20 07:38   Pageviews: 106

I was already tired of hearing about the damn virus everytime I turn on the news,now I am fed up with having to watch video of riots in OTHER COUNTRYS that what happens here is really none of their affair.
I am sick of reading about the violence,I am sick of hard working people loosing everything to the looters.Folks that do work and those of us that did while we could paid taxes and we all vote,We didn't vote for people in government to cave in to demands to defund our police to leave us even more vunerable to crime. We DO have the right to bitch.Just as you have the right to find fault with every other word someone says. PHART.

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By #13898 [Ignore] 11,Jun,20 13:17
If all trace of historic celebrities, many or most of whom had racist opinions is removed, then all the philanthropic institutions that they left and all the literature they generated needs to be expunged or seized/confiscated and redistributed to the heirs and descendants of the benighted peoples they exploited. It goes without saying that where those institutions are schools or centres of learning/ libraries/hospitals then those institutions should be boycotted and repurposed under new ownership. After all, the current proprietors of such institutions cannot be allowed to benefit either by employment therein or profit.
While we're at it, the land and property confiscated by William the Conquerer must be restored to the previous owners and Hampton Court Palace should be returned by the Crown to the current descendants/family of Cardinal Wolsey from whom Henry VIII stole it. The Viking Norvic Centre in York must be razed to the ground as it celebrated invasion, enslavement, **** and pillage on a scale comparable to African slavery in depth if not volume.
Every time you put sugar in your tea or coffee or pull a cotton T-shirt over your head you are complicit in the slave trade and its continuing aftermath. The philosophy of retribution and restitution is bottomless. Those neanderthals really screwed us over, time to settle some scores.
By CAT-2 [Ignore] 11,Jun,20 13:42
The sins of our fathers should not visit us. But, if we don’t fix our society we deserve the wrath of G o d

By Browning22 [Ignore] 10,Jun,20 11:18
A Nation divided can not stand! If the rioting and looting doesn't stop a race war is inevitable all over the world. It seems to be leading to this!!
By CAT-2 [Ignore] 10,Jun,20 11:47
This nation seems to be united. It's the politicians from the president down who are not listening. No matter. The elections are 5 months away

By kre8tor69 [Ignore] 09,Jun,20 22:21
I think it is a good Idea that we weed out any and all bad apples in the police and in any gov job. Way too many people that got their job to be paid bullies for sure.
The unions of most all types have become it seems nothing but ways to grb money for the suits and do not do anything for the real workers. Too many thugs in the unions as well as in many other pubilic jobs.
We here about the bad cops and then it is all "whites" fault. Old people are sucking up all of the gov money and should just die one politician said when Rump was running for office and no one said anything about that guy.
Why isit we can not arrest any bad gy of any color any more and punish them to the full extent of the law. Even rich guys on wall street get away with anything. A president that lies to the worlds everyday and gets away with it.
Things are messed up for sure but what is the things that we the owners of this country can make the people that are supposed to be working for us to fix ANYTHING AT ALL!
Sorry for this rant. But I read the lady's comment and it charged me up as well.
By CAT-2 [Ignore] 10,Jun,20 07:22
it's ok, baby

By #485312 [Ignore] 08,Jun,20 22:48
yeah, if its not one thing, its anther, we had 2 months of fire and smoke, and then flood before virus. and yes, hard working people, no matter what colour got brought into this violence and so many other things should be defunded, before police forces. there needs to be more punishment that fits the crimes l feel to make people realise their actions have consequences, families need to take more responsibilities for their children and start raising them and get their faces off facebook and instagram and get back to living 'real' lives, instead of this 'pretend life'. l hope these criminals are brought undone in the future, because they will be stupid enough to admit they looted or stole during these already unsettled times and l hope most get their just deserts for their fowl and unethical behaviour.. also this lifting of a criminals as some kind of people to look up to in the community. gangster is just stupid, not cool, and just another excuse for some to be arseholes.
where is the pat on the back for all the people who have to clean this mess up??? while these common crims sit at home with their ill gotten gains. l hope all that have suffered because of this common crim get some kindness and life back to normal, and the real heros for the cause are given some air time... humans being humans... it never stops, and never will.. *lix*

By #611458 [Ignore] 08,Jun,20 12:15
"The times they are a changing" Bob Dylan knew this.

By #13898 [Ignore] 08,Jun,20 11:37
Erm...generally yes. If the rioters are so concerned about inequality and denial of opportunity due to race, ethnicity, color etc, why not pop over to China and make a fuss about ethnic Ugars, Tibetans, Muslims, Christians and other exploited slaves. See what sort of a welcome you get. While you're at it, stick up for Taiwan and their exemplary democracy and peaceful rule of law.

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