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Sissy Sluts, Slutty Sluts... oh heck, SLUTS!!

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By Jakestheman [Ignore] 29,May,20 06:52   Pageviews: 38

I LOVE sluts... Heck I am one. Just a big ol slut.. Yep... That's what I am...

OK, first off what is the definition of the word slut?

The internet defines it as:

a woman who has many casual sexual partners.

OK, that MIGHT be the common/classic definition but I don't agree with it at all.

First off, I don't necessarily agree with it being 'derogatory'. I just don't see it that way and I think THAT notion stems from a VERY Victorian Age point of view.

Second, does the word slut ONLY really mean women? Does being a man mean I can NEVER be a slut? Dammit... NO FAIR!!

Sexually active men are OFTEN looked at quite differently then women and the terms used to describe them show it.. Those terms show of a certain 'admiration' instead of the derogatory and again, NO FAIR IMHO...

Those Victorian ideals....

I do love sissy sluts, that's for sure and lord knows, I've had MORE than my share of them over the years.

Time was, you couldn't swing a dead cat around these parts without hitting one and I suspect it's still that way...

It used to be, whenever I needed a quick, good fuck, I'd hop online and in no time, I'd find me a ready, willing and oh so fuckable little sissy slut to service my cock to perfection..

Easy Peezy Japaneesy.. and OMG, talk about ready, willing and able.... Sissy sluts LIVE to please and the truly cute, feminine ones are quite sexy and hot..

Then you have the true Slutty slut type of women. You KNOW the type.. Shoot, there's a WHOLE bunch of them right here on SYC/SYD... They might not want to admit it, seeing as how MOST still see that term as being derogatory, but they are...

Well, actually most true sluts actually revel in their slut-hood which is what makes them SO much fun to have sex with.. Just do NOT thing or try to even have a long term relationship with them. At least not of the typical, monogamous kind. It AIN'T gonna happen. It's NOT in their nature my friends..

Trust me, I know what I'm talking about having lived with a couple of TRUE sluts in my time..

Now, if you're cool with them fucking your friends and quite literally any swinging dick that happens by, they might be your cup-o-tea...

Then you have your every day, run of the mill slut.. Maybe a better term would be Closet Slut... They're prim and proper by day but watch out at night or when they've had a couple of drinks... LOL

Had me a couple of girlfriends like that as well... Sneaky little devils they are... At least with a Slutty Slut you know upfront what you're getting into but a Closet Slut? Well SURPRISE!

Don't get me wrong, they can be a LOT of fun again, as long as you don't mind them fucking others...

THAT leads into a whole 'nother topic....

Jealousy. The GREEN MONSTER.. The destroyer of relationships...

I'll write up another post about THAT here shortly....

I hope you enjoyed this one and PLEASE, comment OK???

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By #662469 [Ignore] 10,Feb,22 08:25
"Sissy sluts LIVE to please and the truly cute, feminine ones are quite sexy and hot..." I guess that's how I envision myself...
By Jakestheman [Ignore] 10,Feb,22 08:27
You said the magic words my dear, live to please. So submissive and just so wanting to please..... Amazing...
By #662469 [Ignore] 10,Feb,22 08:31
yes... pleasing a man is what turns me on the most... dressing up as sexy as I can just for him to enjoy... trying to sense what he'd like me to do...

By nekekal [Ignore] 29,May,20 12:50
I always liked sluts. I looked for them. I was not interested in a long term relationship. I was just looking for someone to fuck and some of them could really fuck.

But I knew that they were fucking everyone else so I always wore a condom although they were happy to fuck without any protection.

The first one I fucked, I tried to make it a long term thing. She was impressed and decided to become a "good girl". Which in her mind ment no fucking or cock sucking. Not what I was interested in. Fortunately, it turned out that she could not do it. If she wasn't getting a lot of cocks on a regular basis she went sort of crazy. So she returned to slutdom, fucked everone with a cock and I gave up the relationship attempt.

Just enjoyed her when it came my turn. My cock was too big for her, so she always fucked me from the top.
By Jakestheman [Ignore] 29,May,20 12:57
There you have it, a first person account of what I wrote being the TRUTH! LOL.... You can take the cock out of the slut but you can NEVER take the slut out of the cock...

By #613137 [Ignore] 29,May,20 07:04
Fucking SLUT!
By Jakestheman [Ignore] 29,May,20 07:23
Why THANK you KHD!! Or is that Aqualung?
By #613137 [Ignore] 29,May,20 08:59
What ever you like!

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