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Rebuilding my life

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By marine85 [Ignore] 11,Apr,20 20:21   Pageviews: 77

It feels like ages since I was on here on a regular basis. I met a woman back in the spring of 2017. Since then, I have had a relationship that was too good to true with a woman 15 years younger than me, everything was amazing or so I thought. We got engaged in October on 2017.
In February of 2019 I was in a near fatal car accident.
I had broken almost my entire body. Shattered my nose, cracked my left eye socket and cheek bone, broke BOTH forearms, broke every rib multiple times, punctured my right lung and partially deflated it. I shattered my right knee, destroyed my right foot and cracked my right ankle. I suffered deep bone and muscular bruising in my left leg. I lacerated my liver and lost my spleen during my helicopter life flight.

I spent the next week and a half unconscious. I had 3 surgeries to put me back together. Somewhere during that time I told her to leave me. Just walk away and leave me. She wouldn't. (She should have)
I spent the next month in the hospital. I was completely helpless. I had to learn how to walk on a severely damaged left leg and two elbows in a special walker.
I hated it. I hurt like hell. She wouldn't let me quit. She yelled at me as if I was in basic training again. She pushed and I did it.
My goal was to be walking or at least standing with a cane by September 21st of 2019. That was going to be our wedding day. I pushed like no other. They couldn't understand how a 50yr old was healing as fast as I was.
By the end of May, I was able to go out in my wheelchair. We had gone out for a Memorial Day Celebration. I wasn't feeling well when we got home. She put me to bed. I slept for the next 2 days, delirious with fever, as she pushed fluids she finally took me to the hospital.
I was suffering from sepsis. I was so sick, I was close to dying. I had a team of 6 doctors working on me. For the next week I was in and out consciousness. It was so bad that my Mom flew 1,500 miles to be with me.
They found a large blood clot in my right lower leg. Then they dropped a bomb on me.. they found cancer. They already had me scheduled for surgery so they could go in and remove it. My body couldn't fight everything, it wasn't strong enough to heal from the accident and fight cancer, and the sepsis.
I again averted death. I spent another 10 days in the hospital and went home. I started immunotherapy treatments after that. By August we realized we had to postpone the wedding. We didn't have enough money to pay the rest of what was owed on the rest of the wedding, and make our bills.
This is where I started learning about who she really was. My disability ran out I was fighting with my company about long term disability, I told her she was going to have to get something else to help support us for right now. (I had always been the one supporting us. Her job paid for groceries, water bill, fuel in her car, that's it.)
When it came down to it she couldn't step up. She didn't want to step up. She wanted to be taken care of. As long as there was money she was fine, even broken as I was, I still had money. (I found out later she had fun with it all and spent every cent.)

So, as of December 17, 2019 she left. I am single once again and trying to put my life back together again. I have been driving Uber to make money and support myself. I am in remission, and I now walk with a cane. I am back to playing and I will find a suitable playmate again someday.
I do not believe in revenge. I believe that you will fuck yourself in the long run. I also believe that karma is a bitch.

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By onthelose [Ignore] 13,Apr,20 13:05
Sounds like you have been through a lot. This is just a minor setback. Better you found out now then later. I know it hurts to be betrayed like that but you are stronger for that. On ward and up word . I believe in Karma also.

By german_guy [Ignore] 12,Apr,20 09:43
I wish you lots of luck, Keep ur Spirits up

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