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Fatso's and republican's

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By Gntlmn [Ignore] 03,Apr,20 02:12   Pageviews: 219

This site's chock full of KKK'ers, nazis, and generic dumb shits...not to mention all the fatso's and weirdos. Maybe some Evangelical whore will infect Putin's Bitch. Remember the Booker T and the MG's version of "Hang 'em High?" In New York and New Orleans, it's "Stack 'em High."

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By eduard99 [Ignore] 03,Apr,20 03:28
The world is full of hate, and sometimes I cannot see whether those who complain about that could be haters themselves.

I don't understand many things in your words, what means KKK ? What is the difference between "hang" and "stack"? However, these problems cannot be solved by "hanging" anyone.

What I want to say last but not least, any action of me here and in all my every day life is for Human Rights, Tolerance and Democracy.
By Gntlmn [Ignore] 03,Apr,20 07:01
Ku Klux Klan, for those unfamiliar... Kinda like "Brownshirts" of Hitler's rise. Human bodies are being stacked into trucks to the crematorium. Figure it out.
By Gntlmn [Ignore] 08,Apr,20 20:59
And there's no such thing, really, as "democracy" in an unrestricted capitalist society like the USA. The legislators are just lobbyist's analinguists.
By eduard99 [Ignore] 09,Apr,20 02:55
Hello Gntlmn, I understand that people in the US come to this opinion. But, compared to countries like China, Russia, North Corea a.s.o. the US are a free country, YOU all can go out and demonstrate for your rights. Every day we can do little things against HATE. Let us begin NOW.
By Gntlmn [Ignore] 09,Apr,20 17:47
Not so. Look up the Orangeburg massacre of 1968, Kent State shootings of 1970, or the Charlottesville murder of 2017
By HornySyd [Ignore] 15,May,20 23:54
Here in PA (in the USA) the state reps (republicans) tried to float the idea of making protesting illegal. I don't think any of those republican knows how Unconstitutional that is. No matter, I was going to protest not protesting and see how long before I made it to the Supreme Court.
By Gntlmn [Ignore] 23,May,20 12:49
It's getting more spooky by the minute.
By #690323 [Ignore] 25,Mar,23 20:38
I WILL NEVER TOLERATE INTOLERANCE. MLK was hardly peaceful, thats such a lie. There were riots and dirty work behind the scenes. You have to speak the right's language of violence to get anywhere with them.

Libertarian socialism is the truth. All other ideologies fail. We have never tried worker communes widespread, but in small communities, they work very well.
By Gntlmn [Ignore] 27,Mar,23 07:25
Agreed 👍

By eduard99 [Ignore] 09,Apr,20 18:37
Long ago - but it is still fact, that nearly every US citizen has a weapon in his household. Where weapons are, there is murder. Fight against your US gun law! Join your local group. Just try it.
By Tempp [Ignore] 16,Feb,21 01:20
There are SO many, the majority in fact, law abiding citizens who own firearms. Being a gun owner does not necessarily lead to murder. And “nearly every” person is not armed. Sure, the gun organizations are too zealous about things, but get your facts straight.

By #596800 [Ignore] 12,Feb,21 22:22
I agree-the liberal brainless fucks are everywhere!

By mikeinaz [Ignore] 05,Aug,20 18:06
I get the all the pent-up rage in 2020.. but oh man, from your words you'd never guess that showyourdick is a rare place where people proudly display their genitalia and wild flights of sperm and others pay them nothing but praise for the show.
I can think of worse things, but not here.

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