Today I visited one of the communal swimming pools. After a nice swim I had a good relaxing time in the sauna. After the shower when I stod in the locker room and dried the hair a man suddenly came to me and pointed to my towel; its my towel he said. Why, I asked- why do you believe that? ”Its my” he repeated. ”Its brand new, I havnt used it yet”. Well, lets take a look I answered and we get back in to the shower room. I told him I had put the towel under my bag on the shelf and pointed where I had placed it. And, there was an another towel too - and yes, obviously I had by mistake taken his towel which was almost identical. In my mind I wondered why he had placed his towel under my bag, on my towel but I asked him:” do you really want it back?” He insited, he wanted his towel back though it was wet of water from my body. I took it of from my hips and took the other one - the one which apperently was my. He took a look at my soft cock and said ”thank you” before I wraped the towel around my hips. Pretty funny he cared so much about a towel

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