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Body Types, physical attraction versus inner beauty....

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By Jakestheman [Ignore] 08,Jul,19 07:40   Pageviews: 28

We humans come in all sizes, shapes and body types... Big, small, short, tall and everything in between!

There is literally a 'body type' for everybody!

I know Hollywood and Madison Ave would LIKE to foist the size 0 model type female on us and they do, continually but I for one, am not turned on by Anorexia..

There is also a huge difference typically, between what we see in the movies and on TV and what we experience in the real world...

I'm ALSO not a 'shallow' person and for me at least, looks ain't everything! I'm much more attracted to what's INSIDE a person, their intelligence, character and heart than ANY outward appearance...

Now please, do not get me wrong... I truly enjoy looking at a beautiful woman or a handsome man, who doesn't right but those superficial attributes can quickly go by the way-side if that person is a complete jerk or for lack of a better way to put it, dumber than a box a rocks...

I'm also NOT a fan of close-minded people, bigots, racists or haters... They have no place in my world. Sorry...

I find beauty within people regardless of whatever the outer appearance might be..

Except for those female feet. LOL... There are beautiful feet and then there are not so beautiful feet. Sorry... LO
Not ALL female feet are created equal.... It's NOT my rule/doing my friends...

Case in point..... My beloved Mona has the most gorgeous size 7's around... From heel to toe, they're perfect!! Her sister however has the most BUTT UGLY feet on this planet!! I can't explain it!! Her sisters feet are JACKED up, ugly and for lack of a better word, GROSS!

She's a nice enough person although we're 180 degree's opposite politically but those feet of hers? OMG I CRINGE whenever we go over to her place in the summer KNOWING that I'll have to look at them... They're THAT bad...

I have had many a girlfriend who others might have considered to be not that pretty for whatever the reasons but I found something inside of them that I loved that for me, made them the most gorgeous person around!

Physical appearance had NOTHING to do with it..

And that for me is the bottom line...

How about you?

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By #588327 [Ignore] 09,Jul,19 06:32
I say everyone looks good because everyone should feel confident about their body. I wouldn't make someone think their body or body parts are ungly. They are all just different shapes and sizes. If people can look at the person inside then you can have really good sex I think. Because your having sex to make each other feel good

By #485312 [Ignore] 08,Jul,19 17:07
my first husband was badly burned as a child and half his body had been skin grafted .. even his cock was scarred, he would have been a much nicer person if people hadn't stared at him and teased him all his life. he was always so defensive of everything, he took that hardness from the scars and used it as a defence system against everything.
we are all attracted to different things, physical and inner, l think its a mix of the two, looks and attitude, like you said, youre not a fan a bad feet. l don't like fake people, we are who we are and looks and attitude can both be changed, cosmetically? or we can change by smiling, being warm, walking a mile in someone elses shoes.. aging changes us, hopefully growing as we get older .. and ugly can also show through the keyboard, you don't need pics to show your inners and your words can also show what kind of person you really are .. *Lix*
By Jakestheman [Ignore] 09,Jul,19 06:26
Well said Lix.. I can always count on you to bring things into focus..... You my dear are BEAUTIFUL inside and out....

By #565685 [Ignore] 08,Jul,19 13:02
I absolutely agree..inner beauty is everything! I’ve known and played around with some “ugly “ people by society’s standards but they was absolutely beautiful on the inside and what’s more..they are the people I’ve had the most fun and sexual pleasure with because in my opinion they poured everything into pleasing me and making me feel good and getting me off...I’m not much to look at myself so I know how they all feel

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