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Nudity and nudism...

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By Jakestheman [Ignore] 23,Jun,19 06:33   Pageviews: 57

I got to thinking about nudity while looking at a friends gallery and posts here on SYD. He's a self proclaimed nudist and I'm pretty sure he's not the only one out here.

I know I love to be naked and quite often, I'll spend the better part of the day walking around the house naked. I also used to absolutely LOVE having a house FULL of naked people. Men, women, T-girls... all naked. Even if there wasn't any sex going on, just having folks lounging around chatting, having a few drinks, eating or whatever naked..... That was just awesome in my book..

Taking our clothes off strips away that thin veneer we have and leaves us ALL exposed and vulnerable. We have to be pretty much exactly who we are. No faking it, no pretense and its THAT aspect of nudism that TRULY appeals to me..

Plus it's damn sexy to boot! LOL

I've been to a number of nude beaches and nudist 'camps' in my time and they ALL are a lot of fun. There's nothing like being naked outdoors if you ask me.. Even when I go camping, I'll almost always spend some part of the time naked in woods, if I can get away with it..

Of course there's almost nothing better than actually fucking outdoors or in the ocean or a lake now is there?

So, are YOU a nudist at heart? Do you enjoy being naked? Have you ever been with a group of naked people? Come on now, spill the 'beans' so to speak

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By #489480 [Ignore] 24,Jun,19 16:47
I've been to both nudist camps & nudist beaches. You're right - there's nothing better than being naked outdoors.
By Jakestheman [Ignore] 25,Jun,19 05:13
It rocks.. And yep, camps and beaches are awesome! I have the luxury of being able to be naked right out my back door. My deck/patio area is totally secluded and private so we can and do lounge about out there naked quite often among other 'activities'... LOL Thanks for the comment

By #583549 [Ignore] 23,Jun,19 12:28
My resort is very laid back and you do not have to be a AANR member to go here. We have a huge in ground pool,a club house and many cabins and trailer/camping spots,along with a nice woods trail to hike!Best part is it's only 12 miles from my house!
By Jakestheman [Ignore] 24,Jun,19 06:02
It sounds VERY nice and a lot like the Ponderosa which is a bit far for me to visit often. Its about 1 1/2 away or so... There ARE however, 'resorts' much closer to home for me that cater to a much more 'sexual' type of clientele.

By nakidKirk1 [Ignore] 23,Jun,19 14:49
I’ve been a nudist for about 10 years. Some of the places we visit are completely non sexual and family oriented. They are great for body acceptance and just fun to be nude. We also visit those that are about sexuality and pleasure. They are fun for the obvious reasons! Both types have a place at the nudist table.
By Jakestheman [Ignore] 24,Jun,19 06:01
Yep, I've been to both.. I totally forgot about mentioning the body acceptance component! Thanks for reminding me. That is such a HUGE piece of it isn't it? Back in my 'single' days I tended to gravitate towards those places that catered more towards the sex and pleasure aspect of things. Makes sense right? LOL... They where fun, that's for sure....

By #583549 [Ignore] 23,Jun,19 09:22
I have been a nudist since I was 12 and for me I am more comfortable being nude around people than when I am clothed.I do go on nude hikes in the woods and I spend my weekends at my local nudist resort.In fact most of my best friends are fellow nudists!
By Jakestheman [Ignore] 23,Jun,19 11:06
We have a couple of nude clubs/resorts here in Indian the biggest and most well known is the Ponderosa Sun Club. It's VERY large and attracts folks from all over including Chicago. While fun, it's a bit TOO big and too commercial for my taste.. There are smaller clubs/resorts, mainly in southern Indiana that cater to both couples and there are a couple of all male ones that are a LOT of fun

By #588327 [Ignore] 23,Jun,19 07:39
The freedom from judgement is amazing that other nudist give is truly amazing. People judge our clothes. We are told our bodies are shameful or shocking to see. It's not true.
By Jakestheman [Ignore] 23,Jun,19 07:41
Yep... That veneer I mentioned is stripped away and we then are who we are, period..... It's refreshing and REAL... I've found that most nudists are VERY non-judgmental people as well.

By #588327 [Ignore] 23,Jun,19 07:30
I went to nudist place couple years ago and loved it. Taking clothes off around other people we can't hide anything about ourselves. They can't hide anything also. Everyone is equal when naked together. Plus I think just like me people enjoy seeing each other naked, but we are told it wrong to even look because it sexual. It's not at the nudist place I leaned people can be naked and relaxe
By Jakestheman [Ignore] 23,Jun,19 07:40
Yep, exactly! Once you get over the fact that you and everyone else is naked it's actually quite pleasurable... People can just be themselves and I just LOVE that aspect of it......

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