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username scumdog1

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By j1_bennett [Ignore] 27,Nov,18 21:36   Pageviews: 60

username scumdog1 sent me the following message 29 times and then blacklisted me. I do believe this is the same person leaving the previous comment on my page.

"Nov 27, 08:08 scumdog1: asshole shit cunt motherfucker scumbag!!!"

As I explained in my last blog, this is the kind of treatment i have been getting for not being gay.

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By #551147 [Ignore] 27,Nov,18 23:02
Also... Might I suggest you go to your page, over on the right hand side near the top, click on "Membership", then click on "Edit Account Settings". Look over the settings and set them more to YOUR liking. It may help curve the shithead from taunting you. If these things don't work try dropping Admin a lil note. He has many more options available to him and he's usually pretty helpful.

By j1_bennett [Ignore] 27,Nov,18 22:49
it bothers me only because he fills up my inbox

By smallcockboy [Ignore] 27,Nov,18 22:46
Why is it bothering you? Ignore the little arsehole.

By #551147 [Ignore] 27,Nov,18 22:46
This user, /member.php?w=572835 appears to be a dummy account, in my opinion. Go to the link I provided and up near the top, click on the "BLOCK THIS MEMBER" option It's in red...

By j1_bennett [Ignore] 27,Nov,18 21:57
he black listed me. im just hoping this can get shared or something. the guy is pissing me off

By #562152 [Ignore] 27,Nov,18 21:49
Send it back?

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