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By Cutie [Ignore] 04,Mar,18 02:40   Pageviews: 606

It is not the first time that I have been accused of being an u-n-d-e-r-a-g-e on the site. I am an impulsive person and for the first time, I wrote a long ass blog with evidences of how I am not an u-n-d-e-r-a-g-e, as far posting my driver license. Then I recall the admin told me not to be sensitive and there are a lot of strange people here and I should not care that much about the blacklisting. And I don’t want to host my credentials in a random hosting site so I deleted the blog.

Now it happens again or it never really stopped in the first place. But this time I don’t want to explain myself. That’s because if I am not then I am not. I don’t need to try so hard to make you believe. Plus, I always find it funny. If I am u-n-d-e-r-a-g-e, then you are watching c-h-i-l-d porn. In your standards, you should get your eyes rinsed and your soul cleansed.

I won’t give up by setting my age on my page. I am not caring enough to change it yearly. I won’t bother to make my nickname as something1997 or something97 either. In the end, some people may still question about my “true age” simply because they don’t agree anyway. Also note that in the introduction section, it is always someone SEEMS TO BE then follow up with the details he typed in. Facts or not only the one who type know. If there’s no faith, don’t stay. And if you do blacklist, I don't cry over that but just be brave enough to state who you are and the reason.

But I would still love to hear happy birthday every 22nd of March.

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By kre8tor69 [Ignore] 19,Jun,21 19:23
One way to stop some comments is to add your actual age to your profile. Just edit it again and put your age in the system.

By #537394 [Ignore] 19,Feb,21 17:28
Well it is coming up real soon. So let me be among the first to wish you the happiest of birthdays. My sexy little gay nymph.
By Cutie [Ignore] 20,Feb,21 06:44
Well that means I’m getting old and it’s a not really good thing for a bottom but thank you hehe

By #634405 [Ignore] 04,Feb,21 03:57
You have another fan!
By Cutie [Ignore] 08,Feb,21 11:32
Hehe thank you my dear

By #542930 [Ignore] 30,Jan,19 17:15
Asians look a lot younger than their actual age so for you to look **** then that would be common & NOT something to take any notice of as they do not understand the "Asian" look.
By Cutie [Ignore] 04,Feb,19 09:11
Besides that they don’t know how high maintenance of me to take care of my body and skin

By #460523 [Ignore] 13,Jun,18 16:53
By Cutie [Ignore] 21,Jun,18 01:43

By pipcock [Ignore] 29,May,18 14:49
Good birth date....mine is the 25th March! Very sexy guys the Aries guys!
By Cutie [Ignore] 21,Jun,18 01:43
March babies

By phart [Ignore] 15,Apr,18 13:43
jealousy is the primary motivator behind alot of folks attacks on people that look good and young. Mad at themselves when they look in the mirror,think about all the frozen pizza and soda they are wearing from 20 years ago.
Like myself. But I aint mad at the world and every guy that has taken care of himself. What a stupid thing to do,intimidate folks for looking young and healthy and good.
By Cutie [Ignore] 29,Apr,18 03:38
What are you talking about, I love junk food, pizzas and Popeyes 5 piece chicken tender fun fact I also have been overweight in my t-e-e-n-a-g-e years according to the body mass index (BMI). It’s just that I have the mindset to be slutty, and want to seduce men with my body you know? So I workout to get my body in shape. You can see the stretch marks too if you look or study carefully of my photos. But honestly I really want to eat without exercising while staying pretty too.

By #529150 [Ignore] 16,Apr,18 09:52
Sad people have to be like that! But stay strong sexy!
By Cutie [Ignore] 29,Apr,18 03:25
Yes daddy

By DESIRE [Ignore] 26,Mar,18 13:56
Happy belated birthday sweet boy
Well I don't care about your age looks or gender . You're Beautiful hot and sexy I enjoyed watching at your profile page
Be happy keep posting
By Cutie [Ignore] 26,Mar,18 14:31
Keep your sexual desires and cum only for me
By DESIRE [Ignore] 27,Mar,18 02:45
Im masturbate thinking about your naked Body
By Cutie [Ignore] 27,Mar,18 11:40
your cum is mine

By thicknsmooth [Ignore] 19,Mar,18 23:16
Beautiful pics absolutely amazing body nothing wrong with being able to hold on to your youth if your blessed too I love your pics please post more
By Cutie [Ignore] 26,Mar,18 14:31
You got it thick daddy

By #514354 [Ignore] 18,Mar,18 07:49
You'll always be my special babyboy!!
By Cutie [Ignore] 21,Mar,18 03:55

By #545362 [Ignore] 11,Mar,18 18:23
Please keep up the photos !! I think they are stunning !
By Cutie [Ignore] 18,Mar,18 03:37
You got it daddy
By #545362 [Ignore] 18,Mar,18 17:18

By #4617 [Ignore] 11,Mar,18 11:56
I don't really care about your age....I just want it...discretely if you want
By Cutie [Ignore] 18,Mar,18 03:38
I care about your hardkok

By phart [Ignore] 06,Mar,18 14:34
I do wish you would change your nick here though.You are far from clueless. You seem to have more of a clue than alot of others. Asians don't age like hard partying Americans. just a simple fact.
By Cutie [Ignore] 06,Mar,18 22:50
Actually I am never satisfied with something that requires a nickname because I change my mind like weather. I want to change it too but I am not settled with one particular name yet. In the meantime maybe I’ll stick to this one because I love a movie called clueless.
By phart [Ignore] 07,Mar,18 08:27
I just don't want folks to come on your page and think you are saying your are "dumb" or something bad like that.You're not.
That is the main thing that causes me to think maby a better nick would be good.
By Cutie [Ignore] 08,Mar,18 00:50
You know I was thinking of using naive as a nickname before clueless. I’m often told that because I give anyone all of me but many times I got hurt when they leave me and I put too much into them.

Anyway, I have these in mind. Sugar, Primadonna, Donatella, or the old nickname homewrecker. I’m still deciding and I don’t want to change it often so give me sometime. I’m more towards sugar or homewrecker

By up-for-it [Ignore] 04,Mar,18 14:33
Hey Clueless,

You look younger i had that years ago, and no not alwys a compliment,i get that! Certainly not when you are horny and try to pick up men! Keep going,someone likes you very much!

By the way, we share the same birthday!
By Cutie [Ignore] 05,Mar,18 00:28
Then maybe you are as impulsive and illogical as me, fellow Aries. Or it’s it just me who got these traits?
By up-for-it [Ignore] 05,Mar,18 07:46
I recognize those traits you are not alone!

By phart [Ignore] 04,Mar,18 10:36
happy birthday ahead of time.

Don't worry about those jealous bunghole's.They are just mad they have partied hard and not taken care of themselves and at 34 they look 64.
In my case I am 51 and look 71 in the face because of acne and scars and just general wear and tear.I would scare the cat off the proverbial gut wagon.
By Cutie [Ignore] 05,Mar,18 00:33
The worst part is that I’m into men older than me. I will stay passive as I used to be in here and hope that they will not pick of me. But I’m not scared of them though. I am shy and afraid of rejections anyway. I like to be a s-e-c-r-e-t admirer
By #517796 [Ignore] 05,Mar,18 04:00

By thebeewolf [Ignore] 04,Mar,18 12:08
Courage! I like that you're here and I hope the jerks don't make you leave. Hot pics, too
By Cutie [Ignore] 05,Mar,18 00:23
Compliments will make me stay.

By sometimes [Ignore] 04,Mar,18 16:59
At least, you know how to write and you have strong convictions ! Keep going
By Cutie [Ignore] 05,Mar,18 00:22

By #532695 [Ignore] 04,Mar,18 17:51
Unless they're being nasty, maybe give them a little slack. I take all measures to avoid involvement with UAge persons, because it's **** and just plain wrong. I'm sure there are people who are in fact u.age but lie about their ages.

I second the advice to just ignore them. It's hard to do sometimes, though.
By Cutie [Ignore] 05,Mar,18 00:20
It’s hard because the feeling of being accused will never be good. And I understand the concern of having u-n-d-e-r-a-g-e here is wrong. But bashing all young people here is illogical. In fact I’m not that young young, I’m 20 soon to be 21. Anyway, I remind myself I could care less now. Everyone in the internet can be judge Judy without facts.

By #514354 [Ignore] 04,Mar,18 05:42
Hey clueless, I got blacklisted by someone who thought you were ****. in a moment of panic i stupidly deleted your pics. i do love the fact that you look so young.im glad that you are not ****. If im not online on 3/22/18 let me wish you a happy birthday!
By Cutie [Ignore] 04,Mar,18 06:38

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