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Things I have crushed my cock in or with.

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By marine85 [Ignore] 01,Jul,17 14:00   Pageviews: 86

In wanting to share all, I have decided to create another list. This one, about cock crushing or flattening.
This also started when I was young and has progressed to where I am now. I love seeing my cock flat or stick out on the other side of something my cock is placed in.
Cock crushed/flattened in or by:
Toilet seat
Shower doors
House doors (Both hinge side and latch side)
Bifold doors
Car doors
Clamped wood
Vise grip pliers
Rat trap
Lycra cock press
Between concrete blocks
Bench mounted vise
Crafting vise table

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By kre8tor69 [Ignore] 27,Oct,20 20:44
Any idea how much pressure it would take to actually burst one of your balls from doing it?

By mywusch [Ignore] 31,Oct,17 12:51

By #533644 [Ignore] 02,Jul,17 14:48
Not my thing, but if you really enjoy it, go for it, but be careful.

By #491253 [Ignore] 01,Jul,17 17:50
I am slightly worried that you might wish to carry it to extremes. There would be no benefit in destroying the very thing you enjoy. You derive satisfaction from punishing your cock by various devices which cause pleasure by pressure and presumably pain, and we can but say that we must respect your choice.
By marine85 [Ignore] 02,Jul,17 12:40
Thank you and I appreciate your concern. I am aware of the course I have taken and rest assured that this is not a daily thing that I do. Once in a while at most, when the mood or urge strikes me. I mostly stay to bondage and insertions when I want to play. Sometimes, like last evening, a simple silicone insertion and a small vibrator send me over the top.

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