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sexualy frustrated!!!

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By fluid [Ignore] 25,Jan,17 18:48   Pageviews: 86

So here I am hiding to the toilet masterbating cos my partner is not interested in helping me get off don't get me wrong we are deeply in love I just have to get off several times a day !the feeling of cumming is the greatest **** in the world to me

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By johncullen [Ignore] 30,Oct,24 07:50
would love to help you get off

By Raypark [Ignore] 01,Sep,18 09:55
So sorry for you. Hell I'd be getting my hands and mouth on that cock every chance I could in a day

By #514830 [Ignore] 27,Jan,17 07:37
Won't you partner masturbate you and help you get off
By fluid [Ignore] 28,Jan,17 17:56
If only
By #514830 [Ignore] 31,Jan,17 05:01
Why is your partner not interested in getting you off ? Maybe your partner does not realize the joy of getting another person off. The joy of not hiding and masturtbating and sharing your sexual needs with someone you trust. Maybe your partner does not know how to talk about sex

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