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Mutual Masturbation "Jack and Jill"

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By Walker [Ignore] 03,Aug,15 09:18   Pageviews: 338

Mutual masturbation in person and over the internet, has been a favorite fetish. I did it a long time ago for girls and women to watch. When I find a jack and jill buddy we have fun from time to time. I was recently in my local supermarket and the **** in law of my current jack and jill buddy approached me. She said she loved the jack and jill story she was told. She explained she was in a jill and jill moment and her **** in law told her about me. We went one at a time to the Family bathroom and watched each other masturbate.

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By pipcock [Ignore] 19,Aug,24 18:00
Always wanted a woman to watch me online, but never was able to find one. 😪

By WHATSUPDOC [Ignore] 21,Apr,24 23:35
instead of jack and jill would a jack and jack interest you
By Walker [Ignore] 22,Apr,24 16:52⤴
I've done many jack and jack sessions over the years. Allowing myself to be caught was fun by girls and guys. The bathhouse dick show was always fun. The cum squirt competition years ago was always fun too. We did party sex shows and jerk shows back then too. Now with everyone having moved away I don't get to do dick shows and jerk shows anymore.
By WHATSUPDOC [Ignore] 24,Apr,24 18:54⤴
you can do them for me!!

By #570308 [Ignore] 07,May,21 16:26
I had a lady FWB and a GF both of which we would jerk off together. Watching, etc. The FWB would enjoy cam with me, watching each other as well. I'm no good in the bathroom or the shower, but any place else, I'm there....

By mywusch [Ignore] 01,Jan,20 08:07
hot, we love to show and watch

By #598522 [Ignore] 08,Nov,19 12:00
That is hot!!!

By 2pierced [Ignore] 23,Sep,17 04:26
WOW, mutual masturbation must be so very pleasurable to watch and perform!

By #412225 [Ignore] 04,Dec,15 10:58
would be fun

By #495239 [Ignore] 06,Aug,15 08:23
I have only had one experience, a FWB, we did a Skype, jerk off, really hot watching her use that dildo on her pussy. I'd like to try it again, preferable in person, guy or girl..lucky man...

By #493999 [Ignore] 03,Aug,15 10:04
sounds very fun time! I too would like to join and play!

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