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By just4fun2 [Ignore] 22,Jul,15 06:00   Pageviews: 50

Two days ago my best mate of 40 years died ,he dropped in front of me , I did everything I had learned in the army some 20 odd years ago ,i tried as hard as I could to bring him back ,it only took paramedics 11 minutes to reach me , but just like that two lifelong mates are no more , I've never felt such sadness before ,i just want to die ,will this misery I feel ever subside ,

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By bella! [Ignore] 22,Jul,15 14:17
I'm sorry to learn of your loss, my condolences to you. You must have so many fond memories to reflect upon over a forty year friendship. Take solace in the fact that he was not alone when he transitioned, he was with you, his best mate.
By #76591 [Ignore] 07,Apr,17 22:41
Very Good Bella, Well said.

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