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my sexuality

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By shy360 [Ignore] 16,Mar,14 07:23   Pageviews: 94

I think after sixty years on this planet I am beginning to understand what my sexual preferences involve.

one of my interests is being a nudist. this is a simple urge. I feel the need to go about nude.

the fact that I feel high levels of eroticism by doing this causes an interesting conflict of emotions.

I have easy access to three legal nude beaches each of which have personalities of their own. that a beach could have a personality can only be understood when you have walked it naked for everyone on the beach to see.

so the conflict arises. sex on a true nudist beach is a no no. real nudists just get off on the freedom nudity gives them and their wobbly bits are of no interest and are by no means meant to get stiff or erect.

I go to my nude beach to look at all the wobbly bits and the cunt and I have to get off on it without getting a woody.

I do this quite well and can walk past a nude woman (shaved pussy showing all) and her semi-erect partner with just a little lengthening of my own shaft.

the other thing true nudists dislike on their beaches are cameras. so I have had to find secluded places for my nudist pictures.

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By dura2000 [Ignore] 28,Apr,20 06:57
I’m a lover of my nude beach.

By #447650 [Ignore] 30,Oct,14 20:52
Don't fight it, we are born to find nudity sexually arousing, it's natural, please read my blog about the beach at Formby near me, it was the single most horny thing that's ever happened and I would let you do exactly the same if that situation happened again

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