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Well, just gonna say she’s one lucky lady. She’s also very l

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Well, just gonna say she’s one lucky lady. She’s also very l

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By decatur212 25,Jul,24 04:53
Well, just gonna say she’s one lucky lady. She’s also very lovely. Thank you.
By Raffa3636 25,Jul,24 11:36
Thank you very much for the kind words.She is a very lovely ladies and an amazing mother to our kids. And mind-blowing in bed. She loves to get dicked down by a real BWC , trust me women like that are a one in a million! Quick funny story, she was the one that mentioned to me " holy shit your dick is huge " I was never really into porn or anything, so I always thought I was just average and woman from my past I just assumed they weren't that into me and that's why sex was always a burden for em because all I ever heard from them was it hurt or take it super slow. And this was after hours of foreplay to the point of em squirting. But I look back on it now it all makes sense once she told me the real situation. But hey it worked out good, cause she has a deep vaginal canal and can swallow my whole cock, absolutely no gag reflex ( super come up ) lol. Still hesitant about anal, but I can work on that 🤣🤣

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