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By Gntlmn 18,Jun,15 16:47
By kre8tor69 12,Sep,17 17:21
I am sure this GF would love your nice cock as well so she would most likely give yours a bit of a suck but only if you promised to put you load in her pussy after a long fuck! She loves most all cocks and pussies as well as long as they come in or on her mouth!

By Stiffcock47 09,Sep,15 08:43
wish that was my cock
By kre8tor69 25,Feb,17 21:08
Most guys should wish that she was eating their cocks and drinking their cum. When she lived near me I had a few chances to really enjoy her talented mouth and pussy. I liked her mpouth the best but that is my preference!

By #457775 22,Sep,15 14:33
Wish it was me to suck your cock
By kre8tor69 12,Sep,17 17:18
I would be fine for it but you might need to ask her to get out of the way. She usually would share for sure if another cock or pussy was available to move to!

By Barni 01,Jul,16 04:22
Never put off till tomorrow what you can do today.
By kre8tor69 07,Jun,20 19:12
With this very fine sexual creature as long as you kept her happy she would drain your balls as often as you wanted. just need to keep her very happy in every way possible!

By dura2000 09,Jul,16 18:39
I bet it was nice.

By dura2000 20,Aug,16 16:28
Was she good?
By kre8tor69 25,Feb,17 20:59
Oh yes she was!!! She was around for a very long time. Helped us get into and meet many swingers for years. Always loved her cock sucking. Every time she did me or anyone else it was at least fun to watch her doing it. She is one that actually love to suck dick and drink cum. Not just someone that does it to please some guy! Unfortunately she just moved out of state! I miss her!!!
By dura2000 26,Feb,17 20:22
I bet you miss her.
By kre8tor69 12,Sep,17 17:05
Thanks for the comment and yes we all hade fun that and many other times for a few years. She has since moved away. (The one on the rt) Love your bling and other things sticking out of your cock! Take the pencil out and drop that tool box from your ballsac instead. Bet it would be more fun

Yes I do miss her a lot. Hard to even get folks to respond by email when they leave town!
By Oldguy 10,May,18 12:40
Wonder what town she went to. Would be nice to have her around.
By kre8tor69 20,May,18 19:47
Just today she moved to Germany for a 3 month job!
By kre8tor69 27,Jan,19 19:51
Now back in the USA but in FL somewhere I think!
By kre8tor69 07,Jun,20 18:48
Some where in middle of florida. But looking for a job in europe right now!
By kre8tor69 07,Jun,20 19:01
Yes I doo in bed for sure. I am also a watcher and this gal gave me many a great shows to watch for long times. She did love to go at it with many guys and gals as well. She put on a great show
By kre8tor69 07,Jun,20 19:08
Oh yes but not as good as my wife was when she was at her prie. This gal love to suck cocks for her own fun. Slow and fast deep and shallow she just lovd to do it nd to drin the balls dry as a one ith out stopping

By showslut 26,Jul,17 09:34
Slut at work
By kre8tor69 12,Sep,17 16:51
Not actually a slut just a wonderful sexy friend that can hold her own with anyone we ever met in the being pleased and giving pleasure department! Sorry she moved so far away!
By kre8tor69 07,Jun,20 18:55
I would never dare to calll this gal that but she sure did a great job on my tool many a times!

By Timpeter 03,Nov,18 22:59
Nice looking HelmetHead like my cock ..how long is you erect cock guy
By kre8tor69 07,Jun,20 18:39
I never measured it and since it no longer stand at that tall an attention I do not kow. But you could check it out with your mouth if you want to!
By Timpeter 10,Mar,22 22:59
I will take thatas a challenge to see how long i can get you to grow..mmmmmmme it will already be throbbing Sir ...mmmmmmmmmmmm
By kre8tor69 11,Mar,22 13:45
sorry too far away for real fun

By Timpeter 03,Nov,18 23:01
Hope my desciption of my device helpied you sir
By kre8tor69 27,Jan,19 19:49
It did sir thanks!
By kre8tor69 07,Jun,20 18:38
Sorry but I just found all of these old comments and am attempting to answer them all. I do not know off the top of my head what dvice you mentioned her. But I am sure you gave me some good advice!

By Timpeter 27,Jan,19 22:55
How long is your cock sir
By kre8tor69 07,Jun,20 18:30
Thanks for all the comments! Sorry but the gals can not play anymore! Some have moved away and the wife got ill and does not play any longr. Oh and I now am learning to suck dick???
By Timpeter 07,Jun,20 18:49
Maybe your felatio skills can be honed on DeePThroating my Cock
By Timpeter 08,Jun,20 03:15
Have your progressed up to my BigCock
By kre8tor69 23,Jun,20 20:12
I unfortunately have a bad gag reflex but I make up for it in my attempts to please a tool for as long as I can. Remember I have only done a very small number of cocks and all were normal sized and most of them were just like me mature guys just learning to do it and rcv it at all from another guy
By kre8tor69 18,Jul,20 19:34
I have found that trying to take someones cock deep in my moth is not so important. The important part is the energetic ways you work at pleasuring that cock from the tip down as far as you are comfortable. I do think that swallowing is important as well. It keeps the guy so happy as you finish him as he squirts in your mouth.
By kre8tor69 24,Jun,20 21:14
Do not do deep at all. Bad gag reflex but do try my darndest to pleasure every cock I ever get to play with for sure! Also do not spit. Need some more practice to get the taste thing down but still do not ever spit.

By Timpeter 27,Jan,19 23:01
Sir i am a retired early senior male with a verybhigh sex drive..i would love to set up a meeting with you n your lady to discuss how i could service your lady..i am 100% pussy eater but would let you fondle my big shaved balls as i bored your woman sir....how long are you sir
By Timpeter 23,Jun,20 23:31
My cock is longing to feel yourOralPussy sir
By Timpeter 23,Jun,20 23:32
Yu ever suced a Big gCock like m8ne sir ."start out slowly....mmmmmmmm
By kre8tor69 21,Jul,20 19:28
Take the tip only and then slowly go down as far as is comfortable. Then do the fun things to keep it hard for as long as possible. f it cums that is ok but even if it does not as long as each of you has fun doing and rcvg it can be amazing!
By Timpeter 21,Jul,20 22:35
Sir i have been working on my StayingPowerim up t20 min before exploding with Sperm
By Timpeter 21,Jul,20 22:36
Its been my goal to hold back cumming for 30 minutes n. Before i climax sir..you outs see
By Timpeter 21,Jul,20 22:39
I luv the sensation of a tongue running up n doan my BigCock sir..never had a male suck my cock..youll be the first ...hopefully youh belly will be empty
By kre8tor69 13,Jan,21 13:03
Not this gal but the wife worked on my cock for years until she could make me last for 45 minutes from her world class sucking. She would watch the clock over my heard and use many many techniques so I would last longer. It taught me to get lots of other gals to do me a lot longer than they might have wanted back in the day!
By kre8tor69 22,Jul,20 15:15
Is that 20min of constant fucking or being sucked? I never got to that point but wife did get me to 45 min of her sucking me off until I exploded. Not every time but most of the time for sure. A clock right over my hear told her how long she had worked on me!
By Timpeter 23,Jul,20 02:15
Thx for asking that was 5 slow insertions inch by inch and to deep fast full insertions till i touchesed her vulva
By Timpeter 23,Jul,20 02:16
As i pumped i softly stroked her swollen clit against my cock shaft sir
By kre8tor69 24,Jul,20 20:40
Why not use your fingers on her clit? That would give her much more excitement I bet. Aslo get her closer to her orgasm for her pleasure!
By kre8tor69 13,Jan,21 13:01
How about when you find a short pussy if you ask to fuck the ass instead. That way you can go in balls deep and still please her
By kre8tor69 23,Jul,20 21:09
20 min wow is that 20 min of sliding in and out or just holding it in her fun hole?
By Timpeter 23,Jul,20 21:15
5 long slow strokes inch by ibch real slow and as i gently stroke her swollen clit againstt my hard cock the 2 pumps deep hard and fast ill i toch some of their vulva with my coock head....and then all overagain a lil faster until eventually they are hot and very wet
By Timpeter 23,Jul,20 21:18
My cock is hanging in my chair now
By kre8tor69 24,Jul,20 20:37
Sounds like fun even to watch! Does the gal enjoy this sytem of fucking?
By kre8tor69 24,Jul,20 20:38
Again does the gal like being just there for you to shove your cock in and out of so slowly?
By Timpeter 24,Jul,20 22:04
She has only enuff depdth to take 5 inches before i hit her vulva and its very painfull for her....so i have to be very careful to putting too much of my cock inside her
By Timpeter 24,Jul,20 22:06
Shes very vocal and screams as she nears climax. And during her orgasm
By kre8tor69 13,Jan,21 12:59
I used to et lots of oussy and loved it a bunch when I got a screamer for sure
By kre8tor69 25,Jul,20 19:31
Too bad for each of you but I still bet you each liked it!
By Timpeter 25,Jul,20 20:57
Oh yeah she has a very tight shaved pussy i just have to remeber i cant thrust my cock into to my bull balls sir
By Timpeter 25,Jul,20 20:59
There was only 3 pussies i cant puch my cock in fully
By kre8tor69 01,Aug,20 17:23
Why? Are they so big and your cock so long it hits the back wall of most pussies?
By Timpeter 02,Aug,20 03:59
No sir 75% of pussy can take me full pepth ..and 25% of pussies can only take about 5 inches
By Timpeter 02,Aug,20 03:59
I just bump into the end and they wincce
By kre8tor69 13,Jan,21 12:56
That is fine if you then learn the depth and do not bang the back wall. Many do not like it and will never give you any more fucks if you keep banging that back wall
By kre8tor69 03,Aug,20 19:55
That I have actually watched and so it is with the wife
By Timpeter 03,Aug,20 21:53
Is your wife deep enuff for my long cock depth wise
By kre8tor69 04,Aug,20 18:28
Wife was the five incher type gal but did love wide or thick cocks better anyway!
By Timpeter 04,Aug,20 19:49
Well im longer but my girth is on the leaner side sir
By kre8tor69 06,Aug,20 20:34
Most singer gals we talked with ouot of bed would say that they actually enjoyed the thick cocks more than the long thin ones for long sessions. But afe did say they liked to have the back wall of their pussy banged hard. Most did not though! Now in the ass most liked long thin cocks to goo real deep each time!
By Timpeter 06,Aug,20 20:54
Well my cock is a lil longer than avg but i am a lean 43/4 girth....and i have a 5 guick shallow pumps about 3 inches deep then 2 long slow deep so far i touch some vulvas with my cock head....mmmmmmmmmxxxxxooooxxxxoooo
By Timpeter 06,Aug,20 20:56
Mmmmmmlike to view your manhood,mmmmmmmmmmmm
By kre8tor69 09,Jul,21 19:43
No viewing just stroking nd sucking please. Trying to learn about pleasing cocks for fun
By kre8tor69 09,Aug,20 21:14
Well as some gals have said in and out of bed. They do not like being hit on the cervix that causes pain. But some do love the bigger dicks in the ass when they learn to relax and take it all the way in. But normal length cocks in the pussy that are most any thickness can be fun. Some guys are coke can thick and that is ok if they do it slow to start and lube it up so it can work in and out slippery as it stretches the pussy out a lot! It always goes back to normal size and then will go for it many times again and again!
By kre8tor69 13,Jan,21 12:54
Cn you just lay there and allow someone to suck your cock with you still and then to pump in the cum for a fine drink?
By kre8tor69 09,Jul,21 19:44
From your gallery I think I could pleasure it ok even with what little experience I have had
By kre8tor69 09,Aug,20 21:19
This is not my wife in this pix. She is an amazing fuck or suck though. Too bad she move to Florida a few months aga! She migh have tried you out for sure!
By Timpeter 10,Aug,20 02:24
We should play my 69 Game i inventedyour cock ..nmy BigCock
By kre8tor69 10,Aug,20 22:04
What new 69 game did you come up with sir?
By Timpeter 11,Aug,20 01:00
Well we get out of my 2 person Jacuzzi and dry each others hardware off ...then we get in the 69 position on my king size bed sir ..and i go first and deepthroat your cock fast n furios until the 30second egg timer dings ....then you take my BigCock deep down your throat and you suck slurp until the 30 second timer dings and stop and i start back swallowing your throbbing dripping cock for another 30 sec ..then ding ..and you resume tongue worshipping my thobbing tool which is dripping precum profusly and back in forth as we sweat and try like hell to resist cumming....so when one of us is the first to explode with sperm...they are the looser or are they....lol...lol....lets play stud
By kre8tor69 13,Aug,20 20:48
I do not think either of us would be a loser in this. An interesting game for sure! Ever used this as a game in a group to see which of the group lasts longer by the end of the evening?
By kre8tor69 09,Jul,21 19:40
No but I loved it when wife tried to make mine las at least 45min
By kre8tor69 15,Aug,20 17:44
This is a new fun thing to try I bet. Too bad yiu are so far away!
By kre8tor69 13,Jan,21 12:53
I prefer to drain your balls 1st and then let you work on my cock for as long as you want until I cum and you drink it!
By kre8tor69 09,Jul,21 19:42
Changing ong off might be fun not done enough cocks to have ever tired that
By kre8tor69 13,Aug,20 20:56
OK lets do it when you are near me!
By Timpeter 13,Aug,20 21:19
Mmmmmmmmmmm ...my cock is dripping PreCum
By kre8tor69 15,Aug,20 17:41
When this gal was around mine was as well. She was a sex therapist and also a very randy gal for most any type of sex play. She has moved away unfortunately but I still lover and so does the wife here!
By Timpeter 15,Aug,20 19:58
Does the wife know how to DeepThroat your long COCK sir....or the other gal sir
By Timpeter 15,Aug,20 20:00
Your girth appears to be similar to my girth of mylong cock sir.....nice peter you got between your Legs.....ssssssmmmmmmmmmm
By kre8tor69 16,Aug,20 21:42
Yes our thickness might have been about the same. But unfortunately the pix makes my tool look bigger tlonger than it ever was. Yes both the wife and the GF could easily take most all of my tool all the way in their mouths. I could also feel the throat muscles at the tip of my cock each time they went for it fully. But usually they only took 3/4 of my cock to please us both at the time
By Timpeter 16,Aug,20 22:57
I would love to be DeepThroated by your ladies
By kre8tor69 17,Aug,20 16:21
The problem is wife is no longer into any sex at the moment and the other gal is not living in Florida so no sex there either!
By kre8tor69 13,Jan,21 12:50
Non of them back then could deep throat but they were able to take all of me and 1 was better and taking it and other cocks a bit deeper! But no matter what they all treated any cock so fine! All also swallowed as well!
By kre8tor69 13,Jan,21 12:51
Thanks want to try it out!
By Timpeter 13,Jan,21 12:54
I was hoping for a new garage for my BigCock
By kre8tor69 09,Jul,21 19:39
Want to share them together for practice or to help me learn to please a cock
By kre8tor69 13,Jan,21 12:52
Bring it closer sir!
By Timpeter 13,Jan,21 12:55
Ok..let me unzip my fly sir
By kre8tor69 09,Jul,21 19:39
I think mine was about to shoot off then
By kre8tor69 13,Jan,21 12:55
She might have been but now days does not take any cock not even mine!
By kre8tor69 09,Jul,21 19:45
Well from the look of it on your profile it is not so long. Sorry for that sir. But she could certainly have taken it back when she did it at all
By kre8tor69 13,Jan,21 12:58
All pussies can take any size length or thickness if the guy knows what to do with it and accommodates the lady by not just ramming it it. The gals love thick ones and even some real long ones if the guy uses it easy
By Timpeter 13,Jan,21 13:01
Ihave had about 15% have pussies that were too shallow..i bumped into there Vulva and they were in to much pain
By Timpeter 10,Jul,21 01:56
Exactly my wifes pussy was only 5 inches deep and my cock is nearly 7 inches long
By kre8tor69 13,Jan,21 12:59
Not that is a good guy!
By Timpeter 13,Jan,21 13:02
They couldonly take 5 inches of my Erect Cock sir
By Timpeter 13,Jan,21 13:03
I love to serve Pussies...wfat eve4 their depth
By kre8tor69 09,Jul,21 19:30
This gal would love to suck a cock and take one in her back end some place t the same time. A rel good fuckr for sure. Very nice gal
By kre8tor69 13,Jan,21 13:15
Only ever uck a select few cocks so far. Wanting to have one or more to practice on and learn from now but this virus thing is killing all the fun. Evr slowly stuck your tool in some guys ass balls deep and just held it there b4 fucking slowly
By Timpeter 13,Jan,21 13:24
No i havent l.never been in a ManPussy with by long cock...do you wanta teach me how deep n fast to go but i have very good staying Power
By Timpeter 10,Jul,21 01:54
You can practive sucking my big cock..i ll wear a MASK
By kre8tor69 11,Jul,21 20:28
Had all my shots so might not be needed
By Timpeter 11,Jul,21 22:04
DeepThroat that cock miss ..mmmmmmmmmmswallow gulp
By kre8tor69 12,Jul,21 02:57
She was real good back in the day but do not recall if she ever was able to take my not so long cock into her throat Wife could take most of it but not even that deep. Not being anything but truthful here. Not that long a cock. Just both gals had short mouths
By Timpeter 11,Mar,22 22:49
My late wife loved to deepthroat me while we 69 and my 5 inch long tongue tickled her Clit
By kre8tor69 14,Mar,22 19:30
Mine was starting to learn some more deep techniques but no matter what she was always super at any oral from the beginning back in HS
By Timpeter 14,Mar,22 19:42
Can she deepthroat YOU?

By up-for-it 18,Jul,20 09:50
Looks like you were enjoying that !
By kre8tor69 18,Jul,20 19:27
You bet I was. She is in and out of our lives from time to time as she goes to work all over the world for a year at a time. But when she sucks someones cock or eats someones pussy it is for the pure fun of it for her and the person as well. If you have an average sized cock she will take all of it and devore all of the cum from your balls!
By up-for-it 19,Jul,20 05:17
Nice having someone like that in your lives. Maybe not always there but when she is you have good times with her. Sounds like a gem to take care of to me !
By kre8tor69 21,Jul,20 19:25
I hope that most all of the folks I talk with here can find someone as sexy and fun to have around as this gal! She can be a bit hard at times but when she gets down to the sex part of the event she can really do it super fine. She does most everything as well I think. She does it all because she likes it herself.
By kre8tor69 01,Aug,20 17:26
Yes she was very good. If she liked you and your pussy or your cock she would treat it to the max pleasure she could create with your help!
By kre8tor69 13,Jan,21 13:07
Yes having a GF and a BF that will come over and fuck you both is a great thing. We used to have some sexy fun friends for that but all moved away now!
By kre8tor69 13,Jan,21 13:09
It was amazing for sure. The gal in pix was an amazing sucker but she also would eat the wife as well. It was fun for both of us to watch her in action when we were not getting services

By #614262 24,Jul,20 20:43
🧗‍♀️🏋️‍♂️🏍⛹️‍♂️🏄‍♂️🇬🇧 maybe when you all get finished you can start on my next thank you
By kre8tor69 13,Jan,21 13:00
OK! Lay down!

By TheDane 08,Oct,20 01:37
Good start to the day, good snack, good starter, good dessert ...
By kre8tor69 13,Jan,21 12:39
Yes and this gal was almost as good at dick sucking as the wife here was!
By kre8tor69 09,Jul,21 19:37
Would have been a great start to ny day

By #626979 09,Oct,20 13:28
Lucky man !
By kre8tor69 12,Oct,20 00:58
I sure was that nite. This is a swinger GF of ours. She liked to eat wife's pussy and to suck my cock at likes. She was good at both!
By kre8tor69 13,Jan,21 12:38
Yes back then I was and did not really know it. This gal moved to Florida and wife stopped having any sex after she got ill
By kre8tor69 09,Jul,21 19:36
Yes this gal was a friend of ours and helped us into swing life ans also treated oour sexy fun parts to some amazing oral many times

By Frenum 22,Jan,21 03:55
Beautiful picture
By kre8tor69 09,Jul,21 19:25
When she was with us and still living in CA she did a real nice job on any cock and pussy too

By Nashville42 09,Jul,21 21:09
Definition of disappointment

By Elcho 19,Mar,22 11:22
I would deep challenge her to see how much ur cock can be inside throated in and out entirely. I bet i win. Love elderly cock entire fucking me in the neck. U can have ur load cumin into my face, and she can have my own cum while ur cock explodes me nostrils burst and that choked up gives her my cum while she's in my balls deep

By TheDane 09,Jul,22 01:03
At the very bottom and receive the reward 😋

By GBM60s4older 20,Aug,23 17:06
I'll suck you too, and when I do it, you won't have to block my face. I love my face in my sex pictures.

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