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Anyone like a suck on this....?

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Anyone like a suck on this....?

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By vitezx 09,Jul,24 09:58

By Felixxxx 09,Jul,24 11:13

By marieS 11,Jul,24 07:57
I would join vitezx sucking your balls and cock
By RedBall 11,Jul,24 09:23
I hope there's enough to share...!

By skyking 12,Jul,24 08:33
You look ready to me!

By Smoothsilk 06,Sep,24 13:57
Nice. I like the things you do with your balls! Where do I get one of those metal stretchers?
By RedBall 07,Sep,24 08:11
They are called 'engineering split collars' in the UK, available on-line from engineering suppliers. Mine are 35mm internal diameter, 55mm overall diameter and 15mm thick. Each one weighs 170g, so seven (my current maximum!) weigh about 1.2kg. I got these as, when I got them, they were a lot cheaper than custom made ball weights available from adult sex shop suppliers! I hope that you get some and try them - it's an awesome feeling having over a kilogram pulling down on your balls, especially when walking around!
By Smoothsilk 07,Sep,24 08:43
Thanks. I will give it a try. Do you add them as you sac stretches or just start at the max? When do you take them off? Thank you for your help
By RedBall 07,Sep,24 10:16
I pull out my balls with one hand, allowing half of a split collar to fit on the narrow bit of my scrotum. Once the first ring is on I use that to extend my balls again to allow the second to be fitted, and so on. I usually wear them for a day, but I have occasionally worn them continually for nearly a week. Once I get them on they feel so great that I don't want the experience to end!

By Rubberdo 09,Jan,25 06:23
Great picture I love to wear ball weights, feels so good when they swing I've not had penetrative sex, other than masturbating while wearing weights have you ?
By RedBall 09,Jan,25 06:28
Yes I have, but only with a couple of rings. This works fine, and apparently feels wonderful for my partner as they bounce around while I'm fucking. I recommend it !

By Greatlakes 10,Jan,25 06:51
That’s gotta feel amazing. Great pic.
By RedBall 10,Jan,25 12:04
It does..and seven rings feels even more amazing ! Thanks !
By anonymous 10,Jan,25 20:37
I’m shopping now!

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