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Jim with truck

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Vote (3 points): [HOT!!!]   Votes: 40

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Jim with truck

Vote (3 points): [HOT]   Votes: 40


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By bella! 26,Jun,17 08:23
Woo Hoo!

By bella! 26,Jun,17 16:32
Nice to see both you and your husband on the Popular page AT THE SAME TIME!
By spermkiss 26,Jun,17 20:35
Isn't that lovely? Just regular farmer guys, neither with a porn star physique, but both off the charts for being sexy.

Both are totally comfortable with their sexuality and their bodies and are willing to put everything out there for the world to see. As I said to you about another post, confidence is very sexy.

Hey guys, how 'bout some photos of the two of you together?
By spermkiss 26,Jun,17 20:36
Whoops, I see that you've already done that.
By bella! 26,Jun,17 22:24
I hope Jim does not mind me posting on his picture or carrying on a conversation with you, spermkiss.....

They both appear to be regular, everyday, run-of-the-mill Kansas boys with BIG dicks, worthy of being in porn!
By spermkiss 27,Jun,17 11:03
"...regular...", yes, "...everyday...", yes, "...Kansas boys...", yes, "...with BIG dicks...", yes, and balls, too, especially balls, "...worthy of being in porn..." yes. But "", NO, NO, NO! Both are off the charts for being sexy.
By bella! 27,Jun,17 12:53
You're absolutely correct, I SUSPECT that they might be viewed as "run-of-the-mill with" with their levis up but when their levis are down, ain't nothin' run-of-the-mill about either of them!
By JeffinKS 28,Jun,17 07:29
By bella! 28,Jun,17 10:23
Back atcha!
By spermkiss 28,Jun,17 11:22
Or even fully dressed. Just look at his strikingly handsome face, his attractive beard and most of all his smile. Doesn't than smile just make your heart melt?
By bella! 28,Jun,17 16:24
But spermkiss, you are a sucker (no pun intended) for guys with beards!
By spermkiss 29,Jun,17 13:04
You're right. I'm definitely a (cock) sucker for guys with beards. If a guy has a handsome face with a beard and little or no hair (best) below the neck, I'm ready to get down there and start slurping.

By #446561 26,Jun,17 20:52
fat dick and hot hairy bush mate

By #87693 28,Jun,17 02:58

By Jackmeoff 28,Jun,17 05:26
DAMN HOT man and pic!...Love that big dick,hanging bass and hairy bush!

By Sergius 28,Jun,17 10:49

By Vita 28,Jun,17 15:07
🔑 my house is also your house !

By #533873 17,Jul,17 11:42

By stefan123 04,Jan,22 07:45
What a sexy man, big Penis have you

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