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Sexy hard dick - [7-6-14-7595]

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Sexy hard dick - [7-6-14-7595]

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By puli88 26,Aug,14 10:39
By saggyballs67 26,Aug,14 17:41

By Walker 26,May,21 15:32
This photo reminds me of my speedo and how I couldn't hide my boner. I was in a neighborhood store across the street from a lake beach I would go to as a kid. The woman in front of me was wearing a poorly fitting bikini and I could see her ass and her cunt hair handing out. Well I got a boner and the woman saw it thinking I was stealing a candy bar stuffing it in my speedo. She grabbed it and said no you don't steal that candy. She pulled my boner out and was tugging on me saying let go. The lady behind the counter to let go but she didn't stop tugging on my boner. Oh too late and I squirt my cum on her. My cum hit her chest and up her arm. The second squirt hit her face and got in her hair. She was shocked when a girl told her you are pulling on his penis. I was buying an ice cream at the store. The lady behind the counter told me I could have the ice cream for free. She was still laughing at the woman in the bikini as she wiped my cum off her body and face. Oh those were the days.

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