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And when I walk, my protruding lips rub together and it feels so good!!

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And when I walk, my protruding lips rub together and it feels so good!!

Vote (3 points): [HOT]   Votes: 17


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By Zero22 08,Apr,23 23:16
By Zero22 08,Apr,23 23:17
Such a beautiful 😍 sight omfg that is one talented pussy 🌺 shes definitely special.
By HoneyLips 05,May,23 23:43
Thank you so much!! 😘💋💋💋😘
By Zero22 06,May,23 00:00
Always 😍❤️😘

By Jim65 08,Apr,23 23:56
damn i want those lips in my mouth

By 2nice 09,Apr,23 13:44

By anonymous 09,Apr,23 17:10
looks like a turkeys head

By loveck23 11,Apr,23 03:20
looks like christmas ornaments
By HoneyLips 11,Apr,23 03:57

By DeepThroatThis 11,Apr,23 11:08
gorgeous i love cunt jewelry
By HoneyLips 28,Apr,23 06:10
I love how they swing and pull on my protruding lips as I walk….. I get so wet and so swollen…. Especially love to wear a skirt that is the same length or shorter so you can see the pendants… below the hem.. So much fun to watch men’s faces as they slowly realize that I’m not wearing panties and that they are hanging from my protruding pussy lips
By DeepThroatThis 28,Apr,23 08:54
i would love to see that in person and watch other men's faces
By HoneyLips 05,May,23 23:43
Mmmmmmmm….. me too!! I especially love it when they get hard as they realize that there’s a naked pussy at the other end…. I get so wet and swollen…..
By HoneyLips 17,Jul,23 02:57
Watch them as they adjust their trousers as they get excited…..

By #650172 28,Apr,23 05:53
How heavy are they
By HoneyLips 05,May,23 23:34
It’s important not to use anything too heavy because the holes can tear and that’s not good…. On the other hand, I like them heavy enough that they pull my lips down and swing when I walk….

All I can think about then is how good it feels, and I’m constantly aware that I’m naked under my skirt…. and how much I would I love to show it off if the right occasion presents itself… 😁😁😘😘
By #650172 07,May,23 14:03
I must say them are beautiful pussy lips love to suck on them
By HoneyLips 17,Jul,23 02:55
Mmmmmmmmm I LOVE to be licked and sucked…..👅👅👅💋💋

By Rudolf69 21,May,23 03:17
It looks sooooo good
By HoneyLips 29,May,23 00:32
Thank you….. feels so good too!!!
Love to have them hang down below my skirt….. they really swing and pull on my lips as I walk…..
But the best part is seeing guys when they first notice them and watching their faces as they realize they have to be attached to my pussy lips which in turn means that I’m not wearing any panties…..

Whenever I go up some stairs or go on an escalator, I love to imagine that the men behind me are looking up my short skirt and seeing my naked pussy and protruding lips, making my pussy throb and drip.

By Mylimastuff 29,May,23 13:04
So damm it!!!
By HoneyLips 17,Jul,23 02:53
You like to see my inner lips protruding???
By HoneyLips 17,Jul,23 03:04
You like to see my inner lips protruding???
By Mylimastuff 18,Jul,23 22:16

By Uncutdi 11,Jul,23 19:30
Now that is a sit of honey lips

By Smoothballs 24,Jul,24 07:32
Stunning picture
By HoneyLips 16,Sep,24 07:10
Thank you…. Feels awesome when they swing back and forth as I walk on the nude beach!!!
By HoneyLips 16,Sep,24 07:12
Guys love watching me….. seeing my luscious inner lips protruding so far……
By Smoothballs 16,Sep,24 07:17
Would luv to see a video of you walking naked towards the camera

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