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Love2Show2 is the biggest idiot on the site!!!!!

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Love2Show2 is the biggest idiot on the site!!!!!

Vote (3 points): [HOT]   Votes: 6


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By leopoldij 21,Mar,22 19:16
There are a few like him.
By leopoldij 21,Mar,22 19:17
Some of them have double or triple personality. They pretend to be your friend on account A and your enemy on account B.
By leopoldij 21,Mar,22 19:17
They're not honest like you and me.
By UnderCoverAngel 21,Mar,22 19:29
I caught this idiot with fake images........he doesn't take private messages so I posted on the image, mainly to advise him to remove or he'll get banned. But he took it VERY personally and now is calling me fake whe he was 100% caught posting internet images. You just can't make this stuff up,
By leopoldij 22,Mar,22 03:01
Why do you even bother to speak to them? You know they'll get mad and block you and then go cry to their mommy. And she'll slap your wrist.
By UnderCoverAngel 22,Mar,22 16:06
Apparently I am the problem.....well according to that old bat shit crazy hag Bella anyway!!!! Lol
By leopoldij 22,Mar,22 18:20
What do you expect from a religious lunatic like her? She hates you because you're not afraid to expose your pussy and don't mind if people tell you they want to fuck you. That religious woman can't stand real women like you.
By UnderCoverAngel 22,Mar,22 19:02
I just don't get it.....she wants to stick the knife in at every opportunity!!!! If never contacted her or had a single thing to say to her and yet she goes on and on and on about shit, blames me for members threatening to **** me ffs!!!!! Then sends her little underlings to attack me too or to vote against me, it's not normal behaviour for real!!!!!!
By leopoldij 22,Mar,22 19:20
Of course it's not normal behaviour. Think about it.
1) She's religious
2) She loves Trump
3) She hates sex
4) She has no life
Now put these things together and see what you get. I'm sure you understand. It's perfectly explainable!

By demonstra 22,Mar,22 01:11
Funny when someone gets caught they try and turn it around to blame you. Sadly he won't be the last.
By UnderCoverAngel 22,Mar,22 16:26
It happens all the time........they have fake images, I ask them about it and all they do is block and and call ME fake, lol.

They was another guy who is still here as a couple, very popular. He would not stop sending dick pictures and talking about his dick, it was endless even though I'd sat I was not interested in it. Blocked me and said I was fake because I didn't want to talk about his dick 24/7

By steve3095 22,Mar,22 06:52
Don't suffer fools, Angel. Block him and lose the problem.

By Badjohnny911 26,Mar,22 03:16
Personally I think Asian girls are the most amazing, perfect females on the planet. It`s not a fetish, just the way I feel.

By mr_blue 28,Mar,22 16:27

By tecsan 12,May,22 00:34
I love this...
By UnderCoverAngel 14,May,22 18:24
He is a piece of shit....I catch him posting fake pictures so he blocks me and calls ME fake..... you just can't make this shit up!!!! Lol
By tecsan 15,May,22 01:36
I will take your word for it...Had the same happen to me...

By DeepThroatThis 29,May,22 22:18
Is that guy still around here?
By UnderCoverAngel 31,May,22 02:20
Yes he is a complete moron!!!!

By Taboowho 31,May,22 10:02
😂🤣 cheers to you girl ✊🏼

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